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Purpose of the Documentation

Welcome to the technical documentation for xMap Studio. This section outlines the fundamental objectives and goals that this documentation aims to achieve. Understanding the purpose of this documentation is essential to harness the full potential of xMap Studio and to make the most of your experience as a user.

1. User Guidance

The foremost purpose of this documentation is to provide you, the user, with comprehensive guidance on how to effectively use xMap Studio. We want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the features, functionalities, and capabilities of our platform, making it easier for you to achieve your goals.

2. Onboarding and Training

For new users, this documentation serves as a valuable resource for onboarding. It offers step-by-step instructions for installation, initial setup, and configuration of xMap Studio. Our aim is to minimize the learning curve and facilitate a smooth transition into using our software.

3. Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

We understand that challenges may arise while using any software. To address this, our documentation provides a wealth of resources for troubleshooting common issues and finding solutions independently. You'll find FAQs, known issues, and troubleshooting guides to assist you in resolving issues efficiently.

4. Customization and Advanced Features

For users looking to customize xMap Studio or explore advanced features, this documentation offers in-depth insights and guidance. We want to empower you to tailor our platform to your specific needs and leverage its full capabilities.

5. Integration and Compatibility

If you're interested in integrating xMap Studio with other tools or services, our documentation explains how these integrations work, which data sources are supported, and how to configure them. This ensures a seamless integration experience.

6. Security and Best Practices

Your data security is our priority. Our documentation outlines best practices for using xMap Studio securely, including data protection measures and user authentication guidelines.

7. Updates and Maintenance

To keep you informed and up to date, we provide release notes, change logs, and instructions on how to update and maintain xMap Studio. Our goal is to ensure that you always have access to the latest features and improvements.

8. User Empowerment

We believe that well-informed users are the most successful users. By providing comprehensive information, our documentation empowers you to make informed decisions, optimize your workflows, and achieve your business objectives using xMap Studio.

9. Reduced Support Burden

Efficiently documented software reduces the need for direct support inquiries. Our documentation is designed to help you find answers to your questions and solutions to your problems, reducing the burden on our customer support teams.

10. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Depending on your industry or sector, our documentation may help you understand how to use xMap Studio in compliance with specific regulations or standards.

In essence, this documentation is your guide to harnessing the full potential of xMap Studio. We are committed to providing you with the information and resources you need to succeed and make the most of our software. Thank you for choosing xMap Studio as your partner in your business endeavors.

System Requirements

Before deploying and running xMap Studio as Docker containers on Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service), ensure that your environment meets the following system requirements. Meeting these requirements will help you achieve optimal performance, scalability, and reliability for your containerized application.

AWS Infrastructure

  • Amazon ECS Cluster:
  • Create an Amazon ECS cluster to manage your Docker container deployments. Ensure that the cluster is configured according to your expected workload and scaling requirements.
  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service):
  • Set up an Amazon RDS instance to host the database for xMap Studio. Ensure that it meets the required specifications in terms of compute, memory, and storage capacity.
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service):
  • Utilize Amazon S3 for storing and managing data, assets, and backups associated with xMap Studio.

Docker Containers

xMap Studio is deployed as Docker containers. Ensure that you have the following container-related components and configurations in place:

  • Docker Engine:
  • Install and configure Docker Engine on your ECS instances to run and manage the Docker containers.
  • Docker Compose (optional):
  • If you use Docker Compose to define and manage multi-container applications, ensure that it is set up correctly for xMap Studio.
  • Docker Images:
  • Build or obtain Docker images for xMap Studio components. Ensure that these images are compatible with your ECS cluster and follow best practices for containerization.

ECS Configuration

Configure the following aspects of Amazon ECS:

  • Task Definitions:
  • Define ECS task definitions that specify how to run xMap Studio containers, including image, CPU, memory, and port settings.
  • Service Definitions:
  • Create ECS service definitions to manage the desired number of running tasks (containers) and ensure high availability and scalability.
  • Load Balancing (optional):
  • Configure an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer if needed to distribute incoming traffic to your xMap Studio containers.

Operating System

Ensure that your Amazon ECS instances are running one of the following supported operating systems:

  • Amazon Linux
  • Ubuntu Server
  • CentOS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Browser Compatibility

For optimal user experience, use a modern web browser when accessing xMap Studio. We recommend using the latest versions of popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.

Internet Connectivity

Ensure that your AWS infrastructure has internet connectivity to facilitate software updates, license activation, and access to external data sources if required by your use case.

Please note that these system requirements serve as a general guideline. Specific requirements may vary depending on factors such as the size of your deployment, the number of concurrent users, and the complexity of your application.

Before deployment, consult our technical support, AWS documentation, and Docker documentation for detailed guidance on configuring and optimizing your AWS ECS environment for xMap Studio containers.

This section provides comprehensive system requirements for deploying xMap Studio as Docker containers on Amazon ECS, ensuring that your environment is properly configured to run containerized applications effectively. Customize it further based on your specific application needs and deployment strategy.

Installation Instructions


Before proceeding with the installation of xMap Studio on AWS Fargate, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An AWS account with appropriate permissions to create and manage Fargate resources.
  • Docker images for xMap Studio components, built and pushed to a container registry accessible from your AWS environment.
  • A configuration file (e.g., AWS CloudFormation template) that defines the Fargate task and service for xMap Studio.

Step 1: Prepare Your Configuration File

  • Obtain the configuration file that defines the AWS Fargate task and service for xMap Studio. This file should specify container definitions, task definitions, networking, and other relevant settings.
  • Customize the configuration file to match your environment and deployment requirements. Be sure to provide the necessary details, including Docker image URLs, CPU and memory allocations, port mappings, and any environment variables required by xMap Studio.

Step 2: Deploy xMap Studio on AWS Fargate

  • Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  • Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation service and create a new stack using the customized configuration file. Follow the on-screen instructions to provide stack details and create the stack.
  • AWS CloudFormation will initiate the deployment of xMap Studio on AWS Fargate based on the configuration file. Wait for the deployment to complete successfully.

Step 3: Access xMap Studio

  • Once the AWS Fargate deployment is complete, navigate to the Amazon ECS service in the AWS Management Console.
  • Locate the xMap Studio task or service that you created as part of the CloudFormation stack. It should be listed under "Clusters" and "Services."
  • Retrieve the public DNS or IP address of the AWS Fargate service. This will be the endpoint for accessing xMap Studio.

Step 4: Initial Configuration

  • Access xMap Studio by entering the provided DNS or IP address in your web browser.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial configuration of xMap Studio, including setting up database connections, user accounts, and any other application-specific settings.
  • Once the initial configuration is complete, you can log in to xMap Studio and begin using the platform.

Step 5: Monitoring and Management

  • Regularly monitor the AWS Fargate service and the xMap Studio application for performance, scalability, and any potential issues.
  • Use AWS tools and services like Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, AWS Auto Scaling for scaling, and AWS Elastic Load Balancing (if applicable) for load balancing.

Step 6: Maintenance and Updates

  • Stay informed about updates and improvements to xMap Studio. When new versions are available, follow the recommended upgrade procedures to keep your installation up to date.
  • Periodically review and adjust your AWS Fargate configurations to meet changing workload demands.

Step 7: Backup and Disaster Recovery (Optional)

  • Implement backup and disaster recovery procedures to safeguard your data and ensure business continuity. AWS offers various services and tools for backup and recovery.

These installation instructions provide a high-level overview of the process for deploying and managing xMap Studio on AWS Fargate using a configuration file. Be sure to refer to your specific AWS environment and the details within your configuration file for a more tailored installation experience.

  • User Interface
  • Overview of the Interface
  • Navigation
  • Dashboard and Main Features
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Explanation of User Roles
  • Setting Permissions
  • ユーザー管理
  • コンフィギュレーション
  • システム構成
  • ユーザープリファレンス
  • カスタマイズオプション
  • XMap スタジオを使用する
  • 共通ワークフロー
  • ステップバイステップチュートリアル
  • ヒントとベストプラクティス
  • インテグレーション
  • インテグレーション概要
  • API ドキュメント (該当する場合)
  • サードパーティ統合ガイド (該当する場合)
  • トラブルシューティング
  • よくあるご質問
  • 一般的な問題と解決策
  • サポートへの連絡
  • [セキュリティ]
  • セキュリティベストプラクティス
  • データ暗号化
  • ユーザー認証
  • アップグレードとメンテナンス
  • ソフトウェアアップデート
  • バックアップと復元の手順
  • メンテナンスチェックリスト
  • 用語集
  • 主な用語と定義
  • 付録
  • その他のリソース
  • リリースノート
  • 変更ログ




  • 最適な地域拡大
  • 製品性能分析



  • 最適な小売立地分析
  • 詳細なサイト評価



  • インフラ計画
  • コスト効率マッピング



  • 戦略的流通ルート計画
  • インテリジェントロケーションインサイト



  • ダイナミック・プライシング戦略
  • ロケーションベースの広告



XMap のユースケースを説明するビデオチュートリアル



