Name | Description | Data Type |
name | Primary name of the location | Object |
name_second | Alternative or secondary name | Object |
country_name | Full country name | Object |
country | Country code | Object |
floor_no | Floor number of the location | Object |
phone | Primary contact number | Object |
phone_local | Local format contact number | Object |
street | Street address | Object |
locality | Current locality or city | Object |
region | Current administrative region | Object |
postcode | Postal code | Float |
plus_code | Google Plus Code for location | Object |
address | Full address | Object |
longitude | Longitude coordinate | Float |
latitude | Latitude coordinate | Float |
rating | Average customer rating | Float |
rating_count | Total number of ratings | Float |
price_range | Price range indicator | Object |
business_status | Current business status (e.g., Open, Closed) | Object |
claiming | Indicates if the business is claimed by the owner | Object |
types | Categories or types assigned to the location | Object |
category_main | Refined main category | Object |
categories_list | List of associated categories | Object |
description | Brief description of the place | Float |
place_amenities | List of amenities available | Object |
spoken_language | Languages spoken at the location | Float |
link | Google Maps or business link | Object |
website | Official website URL | Object |
website_domain | Website domain name | Object |
website_contact | Website contact details | Object |
inside_places | Places inside this location (if applicable) | Object |
inside_places_categories | Categories of places inside | Object |
inside_places_ids | Unique IDs of places inside | Object |
open_hours | Opening hours information | Object |
time_spent | Suggested duration of visit | Object |
price_level | Price level indicator (e.g., $, $$, $$$) | Object |
stopid | Public transit stop ID | Object |
menu | Link to the menu (for food places) | Object |
find_table | Table reservation link | Object |
place_order | Online order link | Float |
trip | Trip planning information | Float |
popular_times_data | Data on peak hours and busy times | Object |
describe_data | Additional descriptive metadata | Object |
zone | Geographical zone | Object |
zone_main | Main classification of the zone | Object |
timeoffset | Time zone offset | Float |
similarplaces | Similar locations in the area | Object |
similarplaces_category | Category of similar places | Object |
similarplaces_ids | Unique IDs of similar places | Object |
similarplaces_all | All similar places combined | Object |
booking | Booking link for reservations | Object |
hotels_url | Hotel booking URL | Float |
hotel_stars | Hotel star rating | Object |
hotel_price | Estimated hotel price | Object |
check_in | Hotel check-in time | Object |
check_out | Hotel check-out time | Object |
id_one | Internal ID 1 | Object |
id_two | Internal ID 2 | Object |
id_three | Internal ID 3 | Object |
google_review_link | Google reviews link | Object |
day_time | Last updated day & time | Object |
photo_link | URL to business photos | Object |
logo | Logo image link | Object |
link_id | Unique location link ID | Object |
google_id | Google Maps unique ID | Object |