About Us

Data Intelligence experts with intellectual capital.

xMap Team

Mo Batran
Ayman Imam
Dr. M. Farid
Naoki Kiritani
Financial Advisor
Ryosuke Shibasaki
Innovation Advisor
Islam Eldifrawi
Lead Data Scientist
Hani Elshafi
Geospatial Data Scientist
Usman Haider
Sr. Software Engineer
Muneeb Rehman
Sales Manager
Abdullah Rafaqat
Senior Marketing Manager
Our Offices

Company Profile

Company NamexMap AI
Countries of IncorporationEstonia, U.S., Japan (In progress)
Address (U.S.)800 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801
Address (Estonia)Sepapaja tn 6 - 15551 Tallinn, Estonia
Address (Japan) - Tentative2−8−1 PMO神田司町 4F Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Kanda Tsukasamachi
Countries of OperationGlobal
Major clientsCoca-Cola, Unilever, Bain & Co, PIF
Our Offices

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Dynamically technically sound technologies with parallel task convergence qualityvectors through excellent relationships.

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Muneeb Rehman
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