How Many Children's Hospitals Are in the United States? Using Generative AI for Site Evaluation

September 26, 2024
12 mins read
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Children's hospitals play a critical role in providing specialized healthcare for young patients across the United States. With advancements in healthcare, demand for pediatric services has increased, but the question remains: where is a good location to establish a children’s hospital?

Making informed decisions on where to establish new children’s hospitals is crucial for both healthcare providers and the communities they serve. Unfortunately, many healthcare establishments face challenges when it comes to site selection, often leading to issues like inadequate accessibility, competition saturation, and service redundancy.

In today’s article, we’ll be exploring children’s hospital data in 2024 from our USA healthcare dataset and how generative AI can assist in overcoming common site selection challenges.

The population of Children’s Hospitals in the USA

As of 2024, there are approximately 470 children's hospitals across the United States, varying in size, specialty services, and patient reach. These hospitals are spread unevenly across the country, with the highest concentration in densely populated urban areas.

Polygon AI, through its extensive USA healthcare datasets, enables users to analyze the distribution of children’s hospitals at a granular level. Understanding how these hospitals are spread out across different regions can help healthcare organizations determine the most strategic locations for new facilities, ensuring that underserved areas gain access to pediatric care. Here are some questions you can ask Polygon AI for real-time insight into demographics and population density research.

  • What opportunities exist for expanding pediatric care in this area?
  • What’s the population density of healthcare establishments in this area?

States in the USA with the Most Children’s Hospitals

States like California, Texas, and Missouri are home to some of the most well-known children’s hospitals. These areas have a high concentration of facilities due to their large populations, diverse patient needs, and economic viability. However, rural areas and smaller cities often face a shortage of specialized pediatric care, leaving many families with limited options.

California has over 120 children’s hospitals in the U.S. making it the state with the highest number of children’s hospitals followed by Texas with 79 children’s hospitals.

Missouri, Louisiana, and Minnesota have around 20-30 children’s hospitals while North Dakota, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming have the lowest population of children’s hospitals.

Ratings of Children’s Hospitals in the USA

The reputation of a children's hospital can significantly impact its success. High ratings are usually linked to better patient outcomes, quality of care, and overall service excellence. When evaluating site suitability, healthcare businesses must consider the ratings and performance of nearby children's hospitals to avoid stiff competition and ensure they can meet or exceed patient expectations.

Using our USA datasets, Polygon AI provides detailed information on the ratings of children’s hospitals across the country. This data can help healthcare businesses identify regions where hospitals are either excelling or struggling, offering an opportunity to enter a market with higher-quality care demand. Here are some questions you can ask Polygon AI for real-time insight into hospital ratings.

  • What is the average rating of hospitals in this area?
  • Which areas are underserved in terms of high-quality healthcare services?

By using these insights, healthcare businesses can strategically position themselves in areas where there is room to improve the local healthcare landscape.

Services Provided by Healthcare Establishments in the USA

Children’s hospitals are often part of a broader healthcare ecosystem that includes general hospitals, specialty clinics, and urgent care centers. Knowing what services are provided by other healthcare establishments in a region is crucial for ****site suitability. For example, if a region already has several general hospitals offering pediatric services, there may be less demand for a new children’s hospital.

Our USA dataset provides insight into the services provided by other healthcare establishments in the U.S., helping healthcare businesses evaluate whether their proposed services will fill an unmet need or merely replicate existing ones.

While there are over 470 children's hospitals in the U.S., there are over 58 women’s hospitals across the U.S.

Traffic Data of Children’s Hospitals in the USA

Accessibility is a critical factor when selecting a site for a children’s hospital. A location with high traffic accessibility ensures that patients can reach the hospital easily, whether by car, public transportation, or other means. Traffic data also affects the visibility and convenience of a healthcare facility, which can be particularly important for emergencies.

Polygon AI uses geospatial data to analyze traffic patterns around potential sites for children's hospitals. Whether it’s understanding traffic congestion, public transportation routes, or average travel times, this data helps healthcare businesses select sites that are most convenient for patients and staff.

Key Questions Answered by Polygon AI:

  • What are the peak traffic hours around this location?
  • How accessible is this site for patients coming from different parts of the city?
  • What is the average traffic score of hospitals in this area?

By providing these insights, Polygon AI ensures that new healthcare facilities are not only well-positioned but also easily accessible to the communities they serve.

Reviews of Children’s Hospitals in the USA

Patient reviews are a valuable source of information when assessing the quality of care and overall patient experience at a children's hospital. Analyzing reviews can highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a hospital, offering insights into areas where a new hospital can improve or differentiate itself.

Polygon AI aggregates and analyzes reviews of children’s hospitals across the U.S. using our U.S. healthcare dataset, helping healthcare businesses gauge customers’ engagement. This information can be crucial for discovering areas of improvement.

Key Questions Answered by Polygon AI:

  • What are the most common themes in patient reviews of children’s hospitals?
  • How can a new hospital differentiate itself based on patient feedback?
  • Are there specific service gaps highlighted in reviews that a new hospital could address?

By incorporating patient feedback into the site selection process, healthcare businesses can make more informed decisions that improve patient satisfaction and operational success.


Selecting the right location for a children’s hospital is a critical decision that requires a comprehensive analysis of various factors, including population density, service gaps, traffic accessibility, and patient feedback. With Polygon AI and our robust USA healthcare datasets, children's healthcare businesses and other healthcare facilities can make data-driven decisions that minimize the risk of site selection errors.

By leveraging generative AI to evaluate site suitability, healthcare organizations can ensure they are meeting the needs of their communities while avoiding the costly mistakes associated with poor location choices.

Using Generative AI for Site Suitability in Children’s Hospitals

If you're looking to expand your healthcare services or establish a new children’s hospital in the United States, Polygon AI can help with evaluating site suitability for your business needs. Our comprehensive datasets can help you make data-driven decisions.

Contact xMap sales to explore how our comprehensive datasets and AI-powered tools can revolutionize your site selection process.

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