How many Dunkin's Donuts are in United States of America (U.S.A) in 2024 - A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

October 14, 2024
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Welcome to the world of Dunkin' Donuts, the brand synonymous with America's coffee and donut cravings. Whether you're sipping a latte on your morning commute or grabbing a donut for your afternoon pick-me-up, Dunkin' is a staple of the American fast-food landscape. But have you ever wondered just how extensive Dunkin's presence is across the United States? This exploration takes you on a journey through Dunkin' Donuts' strategic reach, examining their store count, distribution strategy, and how businesses can leverage this vital data for growth.

"America runs on Dunkin', but to truly understand its impact, one must look beyond the sprinkles and coffee beans to uncover the strategies fueling its expansive reach."

In this deep dive, you'll uncover not only where these stores pop up across the states but also how Dunkin' stands against competitors in a saturated market. We’ll unravel secrets behind the brand's strategic moves and highlight the untapped opportunities lying in wait for potential franchisees. So grab your coffee and donut, and let's navigate through Dunkin's donuts' delicious world.

How many Dunkin's Donuts are in the United States?

With 9,500 Dunkin' locations scattered across the United States, it's clear that this coffee and donut powerhouse has secured a significant footprint in the American market. This expansive network not only underscores Dunkin's popularity and brand strength but also its strategic capability to serve diverse communities. Dunkin's ability to maintain such a vast number of stores indicates a robust demand for their varied menu offerings, ranging from their signature coffee and donuts to more savory options. As a result, Dunkin' not only dominates the breakfast segment but also competes effectively in the broader quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry.

Distribution of Dunkin's Donuts in United States by States

State Number of locations
New York 1290
Massachusetts 1037
Florida 933
New Jersey 860
Pennsylvania 652
Illinois 651
Connecticut 486
North Carolina 318
Maryland 318
Georgia 269

Analyzing the distribution of Dunkin' Donuts locations across the United States can reveal insightful patterns about regional preferences and market saturation. New York leads with a significant 1,290 locations, indicating a high demand and possibly reflecting the state's large urban population and coffee-loving culture. Massachusetts follows closely with 1,037 outlets, aligning with its reputation as a Dunkin' stronghold and historical market.

Florida, with 933 locations, suggests the brand's strong foothold in tourist-heavy and warmer climates, where Dunkin's iced beverages might be particularly popular. New Jersey also shows a robust presence with 860 stores, likely owing to its proximity to New York and shared consumer habits.

Pennsylvania and Illinois, with 652 and 651 stores respectively, demonstrate Dunkin's strategic positioning in the Midwest and Northeast. Meanwhile, the presence in Connecticut (486), North Carolina (318), Maryland (318), and Georgia (269) reflects regional expansion, aiming to capture diverse customer bases from college campuses in Connecticut to suburban neighborhoods in Georgia.

This data provides a valuable perspective for investors and businesses considering franchising opportunities, particularly in states where Dunkin's presence is already strong but potentially still growing. Identifying lesser-served areas within these high-density states could mean untapped potential for new outlets.

Decoding Geospatial Data for United States Dunkin's Donuts restaurants

Traffic Data

Traffic Label Number of locations
above average visitation 5931
highly visited 297
average visitation 109

The data reveals intriguing patterns in customer footfall across Dunkin' Donuts locations in the U.S. A significant number of these locations, totaling 5,931, experience above-average visitation. This suggests that Dunkin' Donuts is successful in drawing consistent patronage across a large number of its stores, potentially due to strategic locations or strong brand loyalty.

Meanwhile, 297 locations fall into the 'highly visited' category, indicating hotspots of activity. These could be situated in bustling urban centers or areas with a high density of potential customers, highlighting opportunities for further market penetration or for setting benchmarks for other stores aiming to increase their traffic.

Only 109 locations report average visitation, implying that the majority of the stores are performing either above or well above average. This provides an excellent opportunity for Dunkin' Donuts to investigate the potential factors contributing to these variances in visitation, whether they be competitive challenges, demographic factors, or other local conditions, and to strategize accordingly.

Price Range

Price Range icons Number of locations
$ 9321
No data 178
$$ 1

Analyzing the data on Dunkin's locations, we observe a predominant pattern in the pricing strategy. The majority of Dunkin's locations, accounting for 9,321 out of the total, operate in the most affordable pricing tier, indicated by the single dollar sign ($). This suggests that Dunkin' has a strong emphasis on affordability, aligning with its strategy to appeal to a wide consumer base seeking budget-friendly options.

Interestingly, a small fraction of the locations (178) do not have a specified price range. Reasons for this might include variations in regional pricing strategies, newly opened franchise locations not fully integrated into the data system, or other factors that might affect uniformity in pricing data reporting.

Conversely, only one Dunkin' location falls within the higher price range ($$), indicating that premium pricing is not customary in the brand's US market strategy. This insight can help understand Dunkin's positioning compared to other fast-food and coffee brands that might offer more premium-priced options.

Number of Reviews

Number of ReviewsNumber of locations47020373203612535920325223202331321311212882328122278212752025820251222452724121237262342322821225202222121921215202112020821204222032720220201202002119922197291912118923186301842718325180231782517721176221722117121169211682116725166221642116221160221582915433153221502214921142231332313030129251222212126120221152211324107241012210024972792229024862184238322792578217322692468246320432137223220292328212221162415211321122611211029927828626524429328241149

  • Most Dunkin' Donuts locations appear to have a varying number of reviews, with some locations having as few as one review and others having nearly 500. This indicates a significant variability in customer engagement across locations.
  • The data suggests a moderate correlation between the number of reviews and the number of locations. For instance, there are several instances where a higher number of reviews correspond to fewer locations clustered closely in number.
  • Locations with fewer reviews might indicate newer openings or smaller customer bases, offering potential growth opportunities in terms of customer engagement strategies.
  • A substantial number of locations feature over 100 reviews, highlighting frequent customer interactions that could provide rich insights for customer satisfaction and the quality of service or products.
  • Locations with higher numbers of reviews could signify well-established outlets with consistent patronage, which can be used as benchmarks for operational best practices.

How investor can use these above geospatial analysis for expanding Dunkin's Donuts locations?

As an investor, understanding where to expand involves more than just looking at a map. It's about diving deep into data, considering variables like traffic patterns, demographics, and even competitive proximity. Let's explore how you can leverage geospatial analysis to make strategic decisions for Dunkin' Donuts expansion in the U.S.

Identifying High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic locations are goldmines for quick-service restaurants. By utilizing traffic data, you can pinpoint neighborhoods where potential customers frequently commute or gather. Consider areas with high foot and vehicle traffic, such as near public transport hubs, shopping centers, and busy streets. According to a 2022 report by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, urban areas experienced an increase in vehicle miles traveled, highlighting the potential for increased exposure in densely populated zones.

Understanding Demographics

Demographics play a crucial role in predicting the success of a Dunkin' location. Examine census data to gauge the population size, age distribution, income levels, and coffee consumption habits in different areas. For instance, a market study by the National Coffee Association suggests that younger demographics between 18-34 are the most coffee-savvy in 2021, which could guide you towards college towns or tech-centric cities.

Competitive Landscape

Understanding the competitive landscape can also guide investment decisions. By mapping existing coffee shops and fast-food restaurants, you can identify gaps where Dunkin' can capture market share. Utilize a geospatial analytics tool to visualize competing coffee chains, ensuring new locations aren't saturating an already crowded area.

StateExisting Dunkin' LocationsNew Potential LocationsFlorida900200California250150

Opportunities in Underserved Areas

While Dunkin' is prevalent in certain regions, areas like the West Coast have relatively less presence. By focusing on underserved areas, you can capitalize on new markets. For example, while there are approximately 900 Dunkin' locations in Florida, California presents significant growth potential due to its large population and fewer than 300 locations (source: Dunkin').


With Dunkin' Donuts' strategic presence across the United States, understanding its geographic distribution and key business strategies becomes imperative for stakeholders seeking to leverage market opportunities. Whether you're assessing traffic patterns, evaluating price ranges, or analyzing competition, the interplay of these factors determines potential growth areas or the viability of new franchises.

Leveraging Polygon AI for F&B Businesses in United States

  • Optimized Location Selection: With generative AI power, Xmap Polygon AI analyzes real-time geospatial data to recommend prime locations for new store openings, considering factors like traffic congestion, nearby competitors, and demographic trends.
  • Dynamic Market Analysis: Helps businesses dive deeper into the market by offering predictive insights on consumer behaviors, preferences, and potential demand shifts, enabling proactive business adjustments.
  • Enhanced Customer Targeting: By understanding detailed demographic data and behavioral patterns, businesses can tailor marketing strategies more effectively to attract and retain their audience.
  • Streamlined Operations: AI aids in optimizing supply chain logistics, ensuring efficient delivery of products to stores by predicting high-demand areas and peak times.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Provides valuable insights into competitors’ locations and performance metrics, allowing businesses to strategize and position themselves effectively in the market.
  • Visual Data Integration: Offers intuitive, visual representations of complex data, making it easier for decision-makers to understand and use information efficiently without needing technical expertise.

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