The United States Healthcare Establishments Data in 2024 - Everything You need to Know

April 23, 2024
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You're probably wondering how geospatial data can influence your business decisions, particularly in the realm of healthcare establishment site selection in the United States. Well, this comprehensive guide is all about tackling your curiosities! It’s indeed a fascinating world where geographic locations become a critical business tool.

But before we move ahead, let's take a brief pause. Think about the last time you used a map or GPS to get to a place in your city. The same underlying principle can be applied to your business!

The power of geospatial data lies in its ability to translate complex geographic relationships into usable insights that adapt to unique business contexts. And when it comes to healthcare, these insights take on an even more significant meaning. The locations you select for your healthcare establishment can play a crucial role in its success, directly impacting your community interactions, accessibility, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Throughout this guide, we will unlock geospatial data's potential for your business, particularly in healthcare. We’ll delve into the intricate details to fully demonstrate how you can leverage geo-data to make informed, strategic decisions. Let's navigate this exciting journey together!

How many Healthcare Establishments are in the USA?

An image with a color-coded map of the USA in the background and the text 'Healthcare establishments in the United States of America'

There are approximately 238,759 healthcare establishments scattered across the country. This staggering figure presents a vibrant and vast landscape for businesses in terms of scope and reach in the healthcare sector.

Considered further, this large number demonstrates the widespread demand and development of diverse healthcare services throughout the country. These establishments don't just consist of hospitals or clinics; they span across a broad spectrum of health-related services —from diagnostic laboratories and nursing homes to home healthcare services and therapy centers.

The numerical insight offers businesses looking to segment, target, and position themselves correctly within this market a clear view of the enormous potential that lies untapped. It also underscores the need for a robust geospatial strategy when making data-driven decisions for site selections.

Distribution of U.S Healthcare Establishments by States

An image with a bar chart showing the Distribution of U.S Healthcare Establishments by States
State Number of Healthcare Establishments
California 25031
Texas 24719
Florida 13353
New York 12999
Illinois 7892
Washington 7045
Pennsylvania 6974
Missouri 6968
Ohio 6331
North Carolina 6164

Concentration of Establishments: California and Texas lead significantly with over 24,700 healthcare establishments each, suggesting a dense concentration of healthcare services in these states. This high number likely correlates with their large populations and economic output.

Regional Healthcare Hubs: Florida and New York also show substantial numbers of healthcare establishments, with approximately 13,300 and 13,000 respectively. These states serve as major regional hubs for healthcare, possibly due to their demographic profiles and urban centers.

Midwest and Southeast Representation: Illinois, with 7,892 establishments, and North Carolina, with 6,164, highlight the spread of healthcare facilities in both the Midwest and the Southeast. This spread indicates a robust presence that supports local and regional health needs.

Comparison of Major vs. Smaller States: When comparing larger states like California and Texas to smaller ones like Missouri (6,968 establishments) and Washington (7,045 establishments), the data suggests that state size does not always directly correlate with the number of healthcare establishments, pointing towards other factors such as state healthcare policies, population health needs, and local economies playing significant roles.

Emerging Trends: The close numbers in states like Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Ohio (ranging from approximately 6,300 to 7,000 establishments) could indicate a competitive and possibly saturated market where healthcare providers might focus on specialization and quality of service to differentiate themselves.

For businesses analyzing this data, such as those using xMap's location intelligence platform, these insights can guide strategic decisions like where to expand services, invest in healthcare infrastructure, or implement targeted marketing campaigns based on regional healthcare dynamics.

Key Data Insights for Healthcare Establishments in the U.S.A

As you navigate the complexities of the healthcare industry, understanding the various types of establishments and their distribution becomes paramount. However, the real command over this sector happens when you dive into more granular data and dig up deep insights. Let's take a look at this.

Phone Numbers

The data that indicates 229,569 out of 238,759 healthcare establishments in the USA have phone numbers:

  1. High Connectivity: The vast majority (96%) of healthcare establishments have listed phone numbers, indicating high levels of accessibility and connectivity for patients. This is crucial for appointment scheduling, emergency contacts, and general inquiries.
  2. Digital Communication Opportunities: The presence of phone numbers at almost all establishments underscores the importance of traditional communication methods in the healthcare sector. However, it also highlights potential opportunities for integrating more advanced digital communication platforms to enhance patient engagement and support.
  3. Gap Analysis: The 4% of establishments without listed phone numbers might represent a gap in accessibility. This could include newer or smaller practices that may not yet have established robust communication channels, or possibly rural healthcare providers facing infrastructural challenges.
  4. Marketing and Outreach Potential: For businesses and marketers in the healthcare industry, the high prevalence of phone numbers presents opportunities for direct marketing strategies, telehealth services, and patient outreach programs, potentially increasing patient interaction and service uptake.
  5. Strategic Planning: For healthcare analysts and strategists, understanding the distribution of these phone-equipped establishments can aid in mapping service accessibility and planning expansions or enhancements in regions with lower connectivity.

Ratings Data

Here are concise insights derived from the provided data on healthcare establishments classified by state numbers (possibly reflecting quality ratings or similar metrics):

  1. Primary Clusters: The largest concentration of healthcare establishments is found at the highest and lowest ends of the state scale. Specifically, there are 20,710 establishments in the highest category (state 5) and 6,171 in the lowest (state 3). This suggests a polarized landscape where a significant number of establishments are either highly rated or at the lower end of the scale.
  2. Middle Range Variability: The number of establishments in the middle range (states 4 to 2) shows greater variability, with numbers generally decreasing as the rating decreases but with some fluctuations. For instance, there's an increase at state 4.0 (6,106 establishments) and a noticeable drop at states closer to 2.0.
  3. Lower Tier: The lower tier (states below 2.0) exhibits a sharp decrease in the number of establishments, indicating that fewer healthcare establishments are rated this low. The number gradually declines, with very few establishments (24 to 115) in the 1.1 to 1.3 range, and a slight increase at state 1.0 (3,782 establishments).

Number of Reviews

An image with a bar chart showing the number of reviews of healthcare establishments

The data represents the number of healthcare establishments categorized by a numerical scale, possibly representing a quality rating or another metric. Here are some concise insights:

  1. Decreasing Trend: There is a clear decreasing trend in the number of healthcare establishments as the numerical scale increases. The highest concentration is at the lower end of the scale, with 14,334 establishments at scale 1, gradually decreasing to lesser numbers as the scale increases.
  2. Notable Declines: The most substantial decline in the number of establishments is observed at the beginning of the scale, with a significant drop from scale 1 to scale 2, and a continued but less steep decline up to scale 5. This pattern suggests a sharp differentiation in criteria or conditions between the lower and slightly higher scales.
  3. Smaller Clusters in Higher Scales: From scale 30 onward, the number of establishments remains generally below 1,000, reflecting a narrower segment of healthcare establishments that possibly meet more stringent criteria or represent specialized services.

Price Ranges

Price Range Number of Healthcare Establishments
Moderately expensive 23879
Inexpensive 5816
Expensive 25

The provided data on the price range of healthcare establishments reveals several key insights:

  1. Moderate Pricing Most Common Among Reported: Among establishments with available pricing data, the majority are classified as 'Moderately expensive' with 23,879 establishments. This suggests that where pricing is known, most healthcare establishments are aiming for a middle-market pricing strategy.
  2. Limited Inexpensive Options: Only 5,816 establishments are categorized as 'Inexpensive', indicating that lower-cost healthcare options are relatively scarce. This could reflect the high costs associated with providing healthcare services or a market trend towards higher pricing tiers.
  3. Exclusivity of Expensive Establishments: Extremely few establishments, just 25, are classified as 'Expensive'. This rarity highlights the exclusivity of high-cost healthcare services, which could be tailored to niche markets or specialized, high-end treatments.

Traffic Score

An image with a bar chart showing the traffic score trend of healthcare establishments

The data provided indicates the distribution of healthcare establishments across various traffic scores. Here are concise insights drawn from this information:

  1. Distribution Pattern: There is no clear linear correlation between the traffic score and the number of healthcare establishments. Instead, the distribution appears relatively dispersed across a range of scores from the low 40s to mid-60s.
  2. Clusters of Establishments: There are modest clusters around certain traffic scores, such as around the mid-50s to low-60s. However, even within these clusters, the numbers remain relatively low, with no single score significantly dominating in terms of the number of establishments.
  3. Most Common Traffic Scores: The highest concentration of establishments tends to be around scores that are slightly above the middle of the range (53 to 57), with slight spikes at specific scores like 56, 53, and 51.
  4. High and Low Extremes: The extremes of the scoring range (lower than 45 and higher than 64) show fewer establishments, suggesting that very high or very low traffic locations are less commonly selected for healthcare establishments.
  5. Traffic Score Variability: The variability in numbers even among close scores (e.g., 53 has 24 establishments while 53.6 has 18) suggests that other factors besides traffic score alone may influence the presence of healthcare establishments. These could include local demographics, real estate availability, and specific healthcare needs.

Traffic Label

Traffic Label Number of healthcare Establishments
above average visitation 47865
highly visited 17280
average visitation 807

The data on healthcare establishments categorized by visitation traffic labels provides several clear insights into the distribution of patient or visitor traffic across these facilities:

A graph image with the title 'Traffic label data (Healthcare establishments in the USA' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart with distribution tags: highly visited, average visitation, and above-average visitation
  1. Dominance of Above Average Visitation: The majority of healthcare establishments (47,865) are categorized under 'above average visitation', indicating that most facilities experience visitor traffic that is higher than the median level. This suggests that a large portion of healthcare services are concentrated in easily accessible or highly demanded locations.
  2. Limited Average Visitation: Only a small fraction (807 establishments) falls into the 'average visitation' category. This remarkably low number could imply that the distribution of visitation is polarized, with most facilities either significantly above or below the average, rather than clustering around the median.
  3. Substantial Highly Visited Segment: There are 17,280 establishments classified as 'highly visited', which highlights a significant segment of the healthcare market that attracts a very high volume of visitors. These might be major hospitals or clinics in densely populated areas or with specialized services that draw larger crowds.

Classification of Healthcare Establishments by Tags

A graph image showing 'the Classification of Healthcare Establishments by Tags'

Identifying different categories of healthcare establishments through tags is a powerful strategy to distinguish unique features and services offered. This allows for more granular data analysis and site selection procedures.

Dental Practices

Dental practices are an essential component of the healthcare sector. These establishments could range from general dentistry to specialized orthodontic clinics. By tagging these establishments under 'dental practices', businesses can better glean data insights specific to this sector, aiding them in making informed decisions.


As an increasingly popular alternative medical service, chiropractic establishments add another layer to the health services map. Chiropractors chiefly deal with musculoskeletal treatment, potentially making them an ideal establishment to locate near sports centers or elderly populations. Categorizing establishments in this sector helps maximize the effect of geospatial data.


Medical laboratories provide numerous sub-services ranging from simple blood tests to complex diagnostic tests, playing a crucial role in the healthcare system. Tagging of these establishments enables businesses to understand the geographic dispersion of such services, contributing to a more comprehensive decision-making process.

Surgery centers

Outpatient surgery centers, also known as ambulatory surgery centers, offering specialized surgical procedures, fill a specific niche in the healthcare sector. Identifying these facilities through a specific tag could help enterprises to pinpoint potential service gaps in an area. Such insights can guide businesses to invest wisely while choosing their new locations.


In the U.S, healthcare establishments like hospitals form a vital part of the healthcare landscape, providing essential services to millions. These facilities, distinguished by their operational capacity, locales, specialties, and demographics they serve, provide businesses with valuable geospatial insights. From rural to urban areas, these insights can guide businesses in decision-making processes, such as site selection and future planning.


The pharmacy sector in the U.S offers a vast playing field for businesses considering site selection. As trusted healthcare facilities, their dispersion across urban, suburban and rural areas is notable. Detailed geospatial data analysis can reveal patterns that help identify locations with high prescription demand, exceptional growth potential, or under-serviced communities. Evaluating these insights can empower businesses to pinpoint optimal locations for new establishments, branch expansion, or even strategic partnerships.


As you traverse the US healthcare landscape, clinics emerge as pivotal entities. They serve a vast demographic, from urban wonders to pastoral hamlets. Our geospatial data reflects this richness, providing key insights on location, number of reviews, price ranges, and traffic scores for each clinic. Equip your business strategies with these specific data points to make insightful decisions, whether you aim to establish, partner, or market to these healthcare hubs.

Benefits of Geospatial Data in Healthcare Establishment Site Selection

Knowing where to set up your healthcare establishment is not just a matter of finding a suitable building. With geospatial data, you're able to make more strategic decisions. Geospatial data provides valuable insights about demographics, existing healthcare services, accessibility, and potential competition, all of which are essential considerations when selecting a site for your healthcare establishment.

Demographic Insights

Using geospatial data, you can analyze the demographic data in a specific area. Information on age, income, education, and access to insurance can help predict the demand for certain types of healthcare services. Your healthcare business can significantly benefit from being situated in an area that correlates well with your target market's demographic profile.

Scope of Existing Healthcare Services

Geospatial insights can help you identify areas that lack certain health services. For instance, if there's a region with a high older population but scant geriatric services, it could be a prime location for a healthcare establishment that caters to elderly care.

Assessing Accessibility

Access to transportation is a foundational concern in healthcare. With geospatial data analysis, you can ascertain the connectivity of potential business locations with public and private transport networks. This kind of detail is invaluable in creating a healthcare establishment that's not only needed, but also readily accessible.

Potential Competition Analysis

Understanding the competitive landscape is vital before establishing a healthcare business. Geospatial data allows you to see where potential competitors are operating and to find locations that offer the least amount of competition.

Best Practices for Leveraging Healthcare Establishment Geospatial Insights

When it comes to making the most out of your Healthcare Establishment geospatial data, a methodical and strategic approach can be the gamechanger. Not only can it optimize the value of the insights gathered, but it can also drive meaningful outcomes for your business. Here are some best practices to get the most from these crucial data insights.

Integrating Geospatial Data with Other Data Sources

Expand the scope of your insights by integrating geospatial data with other relevant datasets. Syndicating and cross-referencing multiple data sources can equip you with a comprehensive view of a location's dynamics. For instance, combining demographic data and healthcare data can yield valuable insights into community health needs and the potential demand for specific services. The fusion of different data sets can yield holistic and well-rounded decisions.

Layered Geospatial Analytics

Turning your data into a visually comprehensible format can make the analysis more intuitive and understandable. Layering different geospatial data into a common geographic framework can highlight patterns, trends, and relationships that may otherwise go unnoticed. For example, superimposing the locations of healthcare establishments on demographical and financial layers can hint at underserved or overserved markets, thus informing strategic expansion plans.

Continuous Data Updating

Good practices involve keeping your geospatial data as current and up-to-date as possible. Because conditions and circumstances can change rapidly, outdated data can skew results and lead to faulty decision-making. Regular data updating helps preserve the relevancy and accuracy of your insights, which in turn, enables you to make timely adjustments to your strategies.

Investing in Advanced Analytical Tools

Having the right tools to handle, analyze, and interpret your geospatial data is an essential best practice. Advanced analytical tools offer robust features such as predictive analyses, automated mapping and data correlation, all of which can boost the usability and value of your geospatial data.

Collaborating with Geospatial Experts

Working with geospatial experts or data consultants can significantly enhance the value you get from your data. Collaborating with professionals provides you with a deeper understanding of the data, its potential uses and applications, and strategies to derive maximum value from it.

Using geospatial data insights of Healthcare Establishments efficiently will empower you to make data-driven decisions that can optimize your site selection strategies for optimal return on investment.


In conclusion, it's clear that leveraging robust geospatial data insights of healthcare establishments can significantly influence the data-based decisions of businesses, such as site selection and sustainability evaluations. This understanding of the healthcare landscape, demography, accessibility, competition, and other critical factors, when combined with refined data strategies can truly power the future of healthcare businesses in the United States.

How xMap's Healthcare Establishments Data Enhances Business Insights

  • Comprehensive Data: xMap's data portfolio offers exhaustive information about healthcare establishments, ensuring businesses have all the necessary data points to make informed decisions.
  • Quality and Accuracy: Our commitment to quality ensures that the healthcare establishments data supplied is highly accurate, reliable, and up-to-date, reinforcing the credibility of decisions made.
  • Ease of Integration: The data can be seamlessly integrated with other key business data, making the results easy to comprehend and action upon.
  • Actionable Insights: Instead of raw data, xMap provides actionable insights into the healthcare landscape, helping businesses to build strategic plans effectively.
  • Geospatial Expertise: With xMap, businesses also get access to a team of geospatial experts to maximize the value of the data utilized and to gauge unique insights.

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