New York | Bus Stations | Points of Interest | United States of America

An in-depth dataset of New York bus stations, offering insights into various station features, accessibility, and geographic distribution to support urban planning and transportation research.

Comprehensive Dataset on New York Bus Stations

This dataset provides an extensive overview of bus stations across New York that dives into station features, reviews, and spatial distribution for research, planning, and decision-making.


Total Number of records
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Total Number of Records with Daily Traffic Trends
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Total Number of Records with Reviews
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Total Number of Records with 24-hour Public Transport
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Download New York Bus Stations Data

Explore the detailed dataset on New York bus stations, featuring sample entries that highlight key station attributes, user reviews, accessibility options, and geographic information. This dataset serves as a vital resource for urban planning, transportation optimization, and informed decision-making.

Key Variables

This dataset provides an extensive overview of bus stations across New York that dives into station features, reviews, and spatial distribution for research, planning, and decision-making.

Date when the dataset entry was last updated
Label categorizing the traffic score
Geometric data for mapping
String of Geometry
Unique identifier for Point of Interest
Daily patterns of school traffic or activity
Weekly trends for meals or other operational data
Contact phone number
Full address
Numerical representation of the accessibility or popularity
Categories or keywords associated
Average rating
Number of reviews
Latitude coordinate of the location
Cost range
Longitude coordinate of the location
Icon representation of the price range
Official website

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Urban Planning and Policy Development

Leverage the dataset to analyze bus station distribution, traffic trends, and accessibility, aiding policymakers in improving transportation infrastructure and addressing transit disparities.

Commuter Decision-Making

Provide commuters with critical information on station features, reviews, and geographic proximity, helping them plan efficient and convenient travel routes.

Public Facility Performance Analytics

Use reviews and ratings data to identify well-performing stations and benchmark others, fostering improvement through data-driven insights.

What information about NY Bus Stations is included?

The dataset provides detailed information about New York bus stations, including station names, geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), and contact information (phone numbers and addresses). It also includes station ratings, number of reviews, and traffic-related metrics, such as daily traffic trends and accessibility data. Additionally, it captures tags related to station features and accessibility options like wheelchair availability. These variables offer valuable insights for urban planning, commuter decision-making, and resource allocation.

How many Bus Stations are there in New York?

With a staggering total of 15,211 bus stations, New York Dataset includes their information along with the accompanying map displaying the precise geographic locations of these stations. This visualization highlights the dense clustering of stations in central urban areas, particularly in Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, while also showcasing the spread across suburban and less populated regions.

Key Insights:

  1. Midtown-Midtown South leads the list with an impressive 249 bus stations, solidifying its status as a major transit hub in New York.
  2. East New York follows closely with 227 stations, reflecting its critical role in connecting densely populated areas.
  3. Jamaica ranks third with 216 stations, underscoring its importance as a key transportation center.
  4. Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth features 194 stations, highlighting its role in linking residential and commercial zones.
  5. Bay Ridge comes next with 182 stations, emphasizing its accessibility within a family-oriented community.
  6. West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George rounds out the top six with 178 stations, showcasing its connectivity within Staten Island.

What Entries are most common in the New York Bus Dataset?

The pie chart above illustrates the distribution of bus-related categories across New York, highlighting the proportions of bus stations, bus routes, and bus stops. Each segment represents a specific category, providing a clear view of the relative distribution within the transportation network.

By analyzing the data made available, more information about the location and availability of all bus stations in New York.



Bus Route


Bus Station


Bus Stop


Key insights:

  • Bus stops make up the largest portion, with 7,512 entries, representing the majority of transportation points in the dataset.
  • Bus stations account for 4,198 entries, highlighting their significant presence as major transit hubs.
  • Bus routes total 3,047, reflecting the extensive network connecting various parts of New York.

What are the Top Searched Keywords in New York Bus Station Data?

This bar chart illustrates the top 10 most frequently searched keywords across New York bus stations, as recorded in the “keywords_used_in_search” field. The most searched keyword, by far, was "homeless," highlighting a strong concern or interest in social issues and facilities near bus stations—perhaps a reminder that these hubs serve more than just transit needs.

Following this, other commonly searched keywords included "trip," "metro card," and "ticket," reflecting a general focus on travel services and fare management. Keywords such as "commuters," "organized," and "train" emphasize the interest in efficient transit and commuter services, while "subway," "airport," and "restrooms" underscore the importance of connectivity and essential amenities.

These search patterns provide valuable insights into the key areas of interest for transit users, potentially guiding facility management, service enhancements, and policy-making strategies.

Which Days of The Week Mark The Peak of New York Bus Stations?

Based on the data presented in the line graph above, it is evident that Friday marks the peak of activity at New York bus stations. The graph shows a significant increase in bus station activity on Fridays compared to other weekdays. Following Friday, there is a noticeable decline in activity levels on Saturday and Sunday, where the numbers are lower in comparison to the weekdays.

Key Insights:

  • Friday is the day with the highest bus station activity, indicating increased travel demand.
  • Saturday and Sunday experience a drop in activity, which could be attributed to fewer commuters or weekend-specific patterns in travel.

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