Download POIs data which include various types of eateries, such as fast food, casual dining, fine dining, ethnic cuisine, coffee shops, bakeries, etc., facilitating efficient access and enhancing user experiences.
The Restaurants and Cafes POI dataset for the United States of America (USA) provides a comprehensive collection of real-world locations that are identifiable and named, specifically focusing on restaurants and cafes. These POIs include various types of eateries, such as fast food, casual dining, fine dining, ethnic cuisine, coffee shops, bakeries, etc., facilitating efficient access and enhancing user experiences.
This dataset employs various categorization methods to classify restaurants and cafes based on type, subtype, location, and attributes. The type categorization encompasses broad classifications like restaurant or café, while subtypes offer finer granularity such as specific cuisines. Location data pinpoints the exact geographical coordinates of each restaurant or café, enabling precise mapping. Furthermore, the dataset offers an array of attributes that furnish additional information about these restaurants and cafes, such as contact details, operational hours, ratings, reviews, and other relevant data.
The Restaurants and Cafes POI dataset for the United States of America (USA) provides a comprehensive collection of real-world locations that are identifiable and named, specifically focusing on restaurants and cafes. These POIs include various types of eateries, such as fast food, casual dining, fine dining, ethnic cuisine, coffee shops, bakeries, etc., facilitating efficient access and enhancing user experiences.
How can this dataset benefit you?
Merge restaurant data with customer insights for personalized ads. Identify preferences, optimize timing, and increase ROI by connecting deeply with your audience.
Maximize property potential with district info, traffic trends, and reviews. Find ideal spots for cafes or fine dining, ensuring commercial success.
Ease urban congestion using dataset insights. Analyze eatery traffic trends for smoother mobility during peak hours.
There are 905,000 restaurants/ Cafe's in the U.S.A. That's about 1 restaurant / face for every 365 people.
There are 50 states in the U.S., the distribution varies heavily with California having 101,595 Restaurant / Cafe or over 11% of the total market.
Texas on the other hand contain 102,984 restaurants which is close to California in numbers.
New York State has 57,528 restaurants / cafe establishment or 6% of the market.
A website is the digital cornerstone of a restaurant's success, with 70% of diners stating they're more likely to visit an eatery after exploring its website online.
616,451 restaurants out of 905,000 have a website or an online visibility page such as instagram of facebook.
💡68% of restaurants / Cafe's have online presence either as a website of social media profiles
Over 43,000 restaurants use facebook pages without having a website as their branding
47,489 Restaurants / Cafe's closed in the past two months alone, we labeled all those restaurants that closed including their location on the map.
💡5% of restaurants closed in July, Aug. 2023
💡27,751 restaurants / cafe's (2%) advertise on other websites or local news websites.
West USA has over 424,027 restaurants and cafes and East USA has 481,145 making a total of 905,172 restaurants and cafes in the United States.California has 109,360 restaurants and cafes which is the highest in the entire USA followed by Texas with 81,010, Florida with 63,500, New York with 51,082, and Pennsylvania with 35,117 restaurants and cafes.
3.7% of the F&B establishments in West USA are cafes and 4.5% of the F&B establishments in East USA are cafes. The cafe with over 38,000 reviews is in Louisiana and it’s ‘highly visited’. California has 4,185 cafes which is the highest in the entire USA followed by Florida with 3,260 while the United States Virgin Islands has 4 cafes which is the lowest number in the USA.
103,129 restaurants out of the overall 905,172 restaurants and cafes in the United States have high traffic and are highly visited. Florida has the highest number of highly visited restaurants and cafes with 8,290, followed by New York with 4,825 and Georgia with 4,230 restaurants and cafes.
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905,455 restaurant and cafés within USA
the names of some of the most expensive restaurants in the USA: 212 Steakhouse, Bern’s Steak House, Industry Kitchen, Norma’s, Serendipity, Le Burger Brasserie, French Laundry, Meadowood, Per-Se, Alinea, Guy Savoy, and Joel Robuchon.
Yes, the restaurant business can be profitable in the USA, but it depends on various factors such as location, type of restaurant, and management.