United States of America | Supermarket | Point of Interest

Discover strategic insights through our extensive dataset covering over 305,162 U.S. supermarkets. Enhance market penetration, assess competitive landscapes, and streamline supply chain logistics with precise geographic and operational data.

Insightful Key Metrics at a Glance for U.S.A Supermarkets

Explore critical data points such as store counts, market growth, and geographic distribution. Use our metrics to gauge market saturation, identify growth opportunities, and understand statewide and nationwide trends.


Total Number of records
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Number of U.S Supermarkets with Phone numbers
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Number of U.S Supermarkets with Websites
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Number of U.S Supermarkets with Ratings
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Download USA's Supermarkets Points of Interest Data

Review a detailed preview of our dataset with key fields such as name, location, and operational metrics. Understand how our comprehensive data can be integrated into your business analysis to drive growth and efficiency.

Key Variables

Explore critical data points such as store counts, market growth, and geographic distribution. Use our metrics to gauge market saturation, identify growth opportunities, and understand statewide and nationwide trends.

Links to images of the location
List of Strings
Sequence number or order
Geometrical data of the location
String (JSON format)
Description of the point of interest
Keywords used in searches for the location
List of Strings
Website of the point of interest
String (URL)
News related to the point of interest
List of Strings
Time zone of the point of interest
Properties or characteristics of the location
List of Strings
Label describing traffic conditions
Daily traffic trends
List of Integers
Score representing the amount of traffic
Status of the location (open or closed)
Visibility of the location online
Contact phone number
Price range (low, medium, high)
Average rating out of 5
Number of reviews
Icons representing the price range
List of Strings
Link to the location on the map
String (URL)
Primary categorization tag
Services offered by the location
List of Strings
Province or state where the location is situated
District where the location is situated
Country where the location is situated
Latitude coordinate
GeoJSON format data representing geographical features
String (JSON format)
Longitude coordinate
Name of the point of interest
Unique identifier for the place
Full address of the location

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Strategic Expansion in the U.S.

Utilize demographic and geographic insights to pinpoint underserved U.S. regions for potential supermarket expansion, maximizing market reach and profitability.

U.S. Supermarkets Competitive Analysis

Benchmark your operations against major U.S. supermarket chains using data on store size, service offerings, and customer traffic patterns.

Marketing Optimization in the U.S.

Tailor your marketing strategies with our data on U.S. consumer behaviors and store popularity to enhance campaign effectiveness and ROI.

Supermarkets in United States of America - Everything you need to know

Welcome to the fascinating world of data-driven decisions. By the end of this read, you will understand the inherent power of geospatial data in creating a competitive edge for your supermarket business within the United States.

Consider this - if you knew exactly where your potential customers are located, what they usually buy, and how often they shop for groceries, wouldn't that redefine your marketing strategy? Detailed geospatial data analysis can help you achieve just that and more, turning raw data into actionable insights.

Gear up to embrace the future of supermarket business strategies with geospatial data analysis.

How many supermarkets in USA?

There are almost 305,162 supermarkets spread across the United States, the vast network offers significant opportunities for market penetration and strategic growth in both densely populated urban areas and underserved rural locations. This landscape underscores the critical need for targeted marketing and location-based analytics to optimize operational efficiency and consumer reach.

An image with the title 'supermarkets data in 2024-United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of the USA in the background with orange points of interest representing supermarkets in the USA.

Distribution of U.S Supermarkets by States

States Number of Supermarkets
California 30132
Florida 19972
New York 17133
Georgia 13539
North Carolina 13498
Ohio 13137
Pennsylvania 12983
Texas 12891
Illinois 11208
Michigan 11076
Tennessee 9555
Virginia 9148


California leads the pack with the highest number of supermarkets in the United States at 30,132. Businesses considering site selection for a new outlet would do well to consider California, given the existing and thriving supermarket ecosystem here.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in California-United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of California in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in the USA.
County Number of Supermarkets
Los Angeles County 6745
San Diego County 2217
Orange County 1878
Riverside County 1721
San Bernardino County 1695
A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in California -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of California's counties in the middle

Looking at the data, it's evident that Los Angeles County is home to a significant number of supermarkets, with a total count of 6745 - far outstripping the numbers found in other heavily populated counties. This concentration of supermarkets is likely reflective of the dense population and vast consumer market found in Los Angeles.

It's also interesting to note the supermarket distributions in the other counties. San Diego County, albeit smaller than L.A, supports 2217 supermarkets, demonstrating that robust consumer demand is not exclusive to the biggest cities.

Orange County and Riverside County further emphasize this trend, boasting 1878 and 1721 supermarkets respectively. Finally, San Bernardino County, although sizeable, houses a slightly lower count of 1695 supermarkets. It signals that even within the same state, differences in socioeconomic and demographic aspects across counties significantly sway the supermarket distribution.


Florida follows in second place with a robust count of 19,972 supermarkets. The high count signifies a well-developed retail market that could offer possible synergies for new supermarket locations.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in Florida - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of Florida in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in Florida
County Number of Supermarkets
Miami-Dade County 2221
Broward County 1474
Hillsborough County 1256
Palm Beach County 1101
Orange County 1062
A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in Florida -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of Florida's counties in the middle

Examining the data provided, we can see that Miami-Dade County comes out on top with the highest number of supermarkets at 2221, offering a wealth of potential customer engagement and sales opportunities. However, it's important not to overlook Broward County as a close runner-up with 1474 supermarkets. Both counties provide an enticingly large customer base making them ideal for businesses looking to expand their presence.

On the other hand, Hillsborough and Palm Beach County, though having slightly fewer supermarkets at 1256 and 1101 respectively, should not be dismissed without consideration. They could be perceived as offering less competitive markets, potentially representing a viable avenue for businesses seeking growth.

Finally, with Orange County recording 1062 supermarkets, it illustrates a fairly distributed market across these five counties. Though on the lower end compared to its counterparts, it could offer prospects for businesses based on the potential competition and demographic factors specific to the area.

New York

New York comes third in line with 17,133 supermarkets. Given the state's high consumer potential, it could be an ideal location for businesses planning to set up new supermarket businesses.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in New York - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of New York in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in New York.
County Number of Supermarkets
Kings County 1666
Suffolk County 1298
Queens County 1278
Nassau County 1049
New York County 940
A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in New York -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of New York's counties in the middle

The table presented contains essential geospatial insights to help guide your decisions for optimal supermarket site selection. Let's delve deeper into the analysis.

Topping the list, Kings County stands out with the highest number of supermarkets totaling 1,666. This can indicate a prime market for supermarkets due to a dense population or increased consumer demand. However, it also denotes that the competition is fierce. A new entrant to this market will have to strongly consider the nuances of its competitive analysis, marketing campaigns as well as other factors before proceeding.

On the other hand, Suffolk County and Queens County follow closely with 1,298 and 1,278 supermarkets respectively. They hold significant potential for expansion if your business is prepared to navigate the competition. New York County, although having a recognizable name, interestingly, has fewer supermarkets than these counties. About 940 supermarkets catering to its market shows a potential opportunity for your business to consider, particularly if the county is noted for its affluent residences or higher spending power.

Lastly, we observe Nassau County which hosts 1,049 supermarkets. While not at the top in terms of quantity, one might find quality opportunities here. Potential factors to consider might be the saturation of the market here, along with its demographic details or its economic landscape.


In Georgia, there are 13,539 supermarkets. The significant number of supermarkets indicates that the state could offer profitable opportunities for businesses looking to expand in the supermarket sector.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in Georgia- United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of Georgia in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in Georgia
County Number of Supermarkets
Fulton County 957
Gwinnett County 757
DeKalb County 699
Cobb County 585
Chatham County 392
A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in Georgia -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of Georgia's counties in the middle

Fulton County, With a total of 957 supermarkets, it stands as the most densely packed area for grocery retail. This population of supermarkets suggests a high level of competition, but also a large consumer base.

However, prospective business owners shouldn't overlook the potential opportunities in other counties. Below Fulton County, Gwinnett and DeKalb come next, boasting 757 and 699 supermarkets respectively. While they may offer fewer supermarkets, the lower concentration might hint at less competition, which could be a favorable condition for emerging businesses.

Cobb County and Chatham County present different scenarios, holding 585 and 392 supermarkets each. With a smaller number of existing establishments, new market entrants in these counties might face reduced competition, although the customer base could be smaller as well.

North Carolina

North Carolina closely follows Georgia with 13,498 supermarkets. With such a high density of supermarkets, this region too seems to be ripe for new openings and competitive analysis.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in North Carolina- United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of North Carolina in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in North Carolina
County Number of Supermarkets
Mecklenburg County 929
Wake County 906
Guilford County 660
Forsyth County 460
Cumberland County 415
 A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in North Carolina -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of North Carolina's counties in the middle

Notably, Mecklenburg County and Wake County top the list with a high concentration of supermarkets, boasting 929 and 906 outlets respectively. This high number could be attributed to the robust local economies and densely populated urban centers in these areas. Businesses in these locales can leverage this insight when planning marketing strategies and considering potential business expansions.

On the other hand, counties like Guilford, Forsyth, and Cumberland present fewer supermarkets - with Guilford providing 660, Forsyth 460, and Cumberland 415 respectively. However, the lower number of supermarkets doesn't necessarily represent a lack of opportunities. Instead, these counties could be viable options for businesses seeking less saturated markets, enabling them to tap into a new customer base and face less severe competition.


Ohio, with its 13,137 supermarkets, is another state offering potential for growth in the supermarket industry. With an established supermarket infrastructure, Ohio could be conducive for data-based decisions and marketing strategies.

An image with the title 'Supermarkets data in Ohio - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of Ohio in the background with orange and red points of interest representing supermarkets in Ohio
County Number of Supermarkets
Franklin County 1229
Cuyahoga County 1223
Hamilton County 781
Montgomery County 569
Summit County 566
A graph image with the title 'supermarkets data by county in Ohio - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart of Ohio's counties in the middle

Based on data from the table, Franklin and Cuyahoga counties lead the pack with the highest number of supermarkets--1,229 and 1,223 respectively. These figures suggest a thriving and competitive market that businesses should consider keenly. It's useful to note though that with high competition comes the need for effective strategies to stand out from the crowd.

Hamilton County, with 781 supermarkets, isn't far behind. This could indicate a balance between demand and supply, making it another location with potential for supermarket establishments. However, distinct marketing efforts would be required here to attract the already provided-for consumers.

Montgomery and Summit counties have fewer supermarkets, 569 and 566 respectively. The lower supermarket count could denote a gap in the market, a chance for businesses to fill, or conversely reflect the lower population or purchasing power.

Key Data Insights for Supermarkets in U.S.A

Ever wondered how successful supermarket giants like Walmart, Costco, or Aldi choose their store locations or plan their marketing strategies? The answer lies in geospatial data and analytics. As a growing or existing business looking to thrive within the U.S. market, understanding the role of geospatial data in analyzing retail trends could be your secret weapon to success. From aiding in the right site selection to driving effective marketing campaigns, data insights offer detailed and informed solutions. Discover how human mobility data, indoor analytics, and geospatial insights could revolutionize your approach to your supermarket business decisions. In this section, we dive into the world of geospatial insights for U.S. supermarkets, their applications, and impacts on retail performance.

Website Urls

Looking at these fascinating data points, it becomes clear that the United States is home to a massive number of supermarkets, each with their own online presence. It is evident that businesses, such as Dollar General, with an impressive figure of 16,776 supermarkets, are leading in this industry. They are followed by Shell, which has successfully established more than 10,000 stores. This paints a picture of a thriving competitive landscape packed with huge players.

A graph image with the title 'Popularity of supermarkets by Website - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a bar chart of website domain names against figures (website volume)

7-Eleven has also managed a significant online impact in addition to the physical presence, boasting a total of 9531 supermarkets. On the other hand, Circle K is not far behind with an establishment total of 7,111 supermarkets. This data emphasizes the sheer range and diversity in the number of supermarkets across the United States.

Additionally, businesses like Walgreens, Family Dollar, and CVS each exhibit a strong presence with over 5,800 supermarkets. However, it's important to note how these businesses distribute their supermarkets. Some businesses, like Family Dollar, may choose to densely populate a certain region for strategic reasons, while others, like Walgreens, may seek a wider, more dispersed approach.

Ratings Data

Our detailed analysis reveals intriguing insights about the relationship between a supermarket's rating and the counts of supermarkets within those rating brackets across the United States. Looking at the data presented, it is evident that the majority of supermarkets received decent ratings, indicating a relatively high level of customer satisfaction.

A graph image with the title 'Ratings of supermarkets - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a bar chart of Number of supermarkets against Ratings

Ratings Tending towards the Higher Tier

Supermarkets with ratings ranging from 4.0 to 5.0 dominate the scene, with a sum total of around 65,580 supermarkets. The data table clearly demonstrates that the US supermarket industry, on the whole, is providing satisfactory or above-average services to their customers, which is reflected in these higher ratings.

Majority lies in 4.3 to 4.5 Rating Bracket

An intriguing observation can be seen within the 4.3 to 4.5 ratings bracket. This bracket alone accounts for about 21,091 supermarkets, indicating that a significant portion of the market offers a standard quality of service, reflected in their ratings, that the majority of customers find acceptable and satisfactory.

The Lower Ratings

While the number of supermarkets with low ratings is considerably smaller, it's still worth noting. There are approximately 5,366 supermarkets with a rating below 3. These establishments might be in need of improvements in various business aspects such as customer service, products quality, or location strategy. Nonetheless, it's also possible that these lower ratings could be due to more difficult customer demographics or tougher market conditions.

Outliers with a Perfect Score

Additionally, it's worth noting that a small but notable 6,267 supermarkets have achieved the highest rating of 5. This suggests that these supermarkets are not just meeting but exceeding customer expectations in various aspects of the business, which should definitely be the target for those wanting to maximize their potential in the supermarket business.

Number of Reviews

Looking at the figures, it's clear that a significant proportion of supermarkets in the United States - represented by 275,715 out of 305,162 - are monitored by an influx of consumer feedback in the form of reviews. This illustrates that a large majority, to be precise, about 90% of supermarkets are actively engaging with their customer base and receiving feedback on their services.

An image with the title 'Review data of supermarkets - United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a map of the USA in the background with green, blue, pink, and yellow points of interest on the map representing supermarkets in the USA.

The high number of reviews can serve as a rich source of data for businesses, providing genuine, unfiltered consumer sentiments towards supermarket chains. It reflects the importance customers attribute towards sharing their shopping experiences and their role in shaping future business strategies.

However, it's worth noting that this figure also leaves a gap of approximately 10%. This segment could either be newly established businesses that haven't received substantial reviews yet or they could be supermarkets who lack a comprehensive customer feedback mechanism. This highlights a possible area for improvement, as more reviews would mean more data that can be analyzed for better geospatial insights.

Price Ranges

Delving into geospatial insights, our data visualization on supermarket price range reveals intriguing information. Our data indicates the majority of US supermarkets fall into the 'Inexpensive' price category, with an impressive count of 53,634. This finding serves as an indicator that most supermarkets are striving to offer their consumers more affordable options, potentially as a strategic move to attract and satisfy a broad customer base.

A graph image with the title 'Price ranges of  supermarkets -United States of America' with xMap's logo on the top right and a pie chart with distribution tags expensive, very expensive, moderately expensive, and inexpensive

Following the lead are the 'Moderately Expensive' supermarkets with a significant number of 37,963. It's understandable - not all customers are price-sensitive and many appreciate the elevated shopping experiences which often come with higher price tags. However, consider this a lesson: thinking in terms of moderate pricing could indeed be a lucrative strategy in the supermarket business.

It's a huge drop when we move to the 'Expensive' category with only 786 supermarkets. A small fraction indeed, suggesting that high-end grocery retailers are less common. Likely, these supermarkets are located in relatively high-income areas where consumers can afford a more costly shopping experience.

And at the very top end, a humble count of 5 supermarkets fall into the 'Very Expensive' category. Yes, only five. This emphasizes the rarity of such high-priced supermarkets and could reflect the consumer behavior and income demographics in the majority of the U.S.

Phone Numbers

An image with a tabular view of xMap Studio platform showing data columns titled: poi-name, poi-website, phone, country, province, and district

If you're exploring the Supermarkets data in the United States, you might be intrigued to learn that 276,018 out of the total 305,162 supermarkets have phone numbers. This implies a significant 90.45% of supermarkets have a direct line of communication with their customers. They have recognized the criticality of maintaining a reliable communication channel accessible for queries, clarifications, or potentially emergency situations related to products or services. This data could serve as a reminder to businesses about the importance of these basic yet crucial contact details in ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering strong relationships.

Moreover, this dimension of the data set would be an invaluable asset for businesses engaged in marketing and advertising. They could potentially target these supermarkets for direct marketing strategies, telemarketing campaigns, or even partnerships. By utilizing this information strategically, businesses can enhance their brand awareness and reach within the supermarket sector.

However, it's worth noting that there is a residual 9.55% that don't list phone numbers which may suggest different communication preference or perhaps an unmet need. This presents a unique opportunity for telecommunication companies to offer solutions to this sector. After all, building bridges in communication gaps is always valuable.

Best Practices for Leveraging Supermarkets Geospatial Insights

Choosing the right location for a supermarket involves key decisions. Positioning a store in the heart of a bustling neighborhood may generate higher foot traffic, but it could also mean greater competition. In contrast, a store in a less dense area might mean less competition, but fewer potential customers.

With geospatial insights, businesses can make data-driven decisions. In the following, you will learn about some of the best practices when leveraging geospatial insights to drive your businesses' success.

Making Use of Geo-Demand and Geo-Competition Analysis

Geo-demand and geo-competition are crucial concepts in geospatial analysis that refer to the demand and competition within a specific geographical location. They can help you identify potential sites for new establishments. Try to balance the two factors. An area with high demand (geo-demand) but too stiff competition (geo-competition) may not be an ideal location.

Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS is a useful tool in processing geospatial data, providing visualizations that make complex data easier to understand. Use these indispensable tools for decision-making processes as they help to pinpoint high-demand areas and allow you to evaluate the viability of potential locations.

Applying Multi-criteria Decision Models

Selecting the final site for your supermarket doesn't typically boil down to one or two factors. Different criteria are weighed and analyzed pivotal of which include rent prices, demographics, visibility, and competitor presence. The development of a sound methodology using GIS and multi-criteria decision models will significantly assist in site identification.

Leveraging Indoor Positioning Technologies and Data Analytics

While traditional geospatial insights focus on the larger geographical surroundings, don't overlook data analytics and indoor positioning technologies. They offer valuable insights into customer behavior within your premises; for instance, which aisles customers frequent the most. These insights can help you in organizing the layout of your store optimally.

Using Human Mobility Data

Human mobility data can be a goldmine. Retailers can use this data to understand the movement patterns of potential customers, determining the best locations for new stores. Furthermore, understanding how and where people move can assist in making smart decisions about what products to stock and where to locate them within your store.

To sum up, choosing the right data analysis tools, leveraging indoor technologies, and harnessing mobility data can significantly enhance your supermarket's location selection process, marketing strategies, and overall success.

Why xMap?

xMap empowers businesses with unparalleled location intelligence and comprehensive data analysis, guiding them towards market leadership and growth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our spatial analyst platform.

How often is the dataset updated with U.S. market data?

The dataset is refreshed periodically to reflect the latest developments and trends within the U.S. supermarket sector.

Can I obtain historical supermarket data specific to the U.S.?

Yes, we provide access to historical data trends and annual changes within the U.S. supermarket industry to support your long-term strategic planning.

In which formats can I access the U.S. supermarket data?

Data is available in multiple formats including CSV, Excel, and through direct API access, ensuring seamless integration with your business systems.