Amusement & Leisure Locations Across Saudi Arabia

With over 8,869+ Amusement & Leisure locations across 15 regions and 148 districts in Saudi Arabia. The highest number of Amusement & Leisure locations are in Ar Riyad and Riyadh with 1912 locations and 730 locations, respectively. Find the best places for Amusement & leisure with our updated database.

Aggregation Date :
March 19, 2025

How Many Amusement & Leisure Establishments are in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has 9,389 Amusement & Leisure locations, with a strong presence across various regions. Our dataset provides insights into their business status, ratings, and traffic scores.


Number of Locations


Locations with Ratings


Locations with Phone Numbers


Locations with Websites


Closed Locations

Breakdown of Amusement & Leisure Locations in Saudi arabia

Saudi arabia's Amusement & Leisure scene includes various subcategories. Explore the most popular categories and find the best spots across the country.


Number of Locations

Misc. Leisure Activities


Amusement Parks & Arcades


Bowling & Billiards


Movie Theaters


Aquariums & Zoos


Escape Rooms & Similar


Mini Golf & Go-Karts


Amusement & leisure Locations by State in Saudi Arabia

Saudi arabia's Amusement & leisure scene varies across states, with hotspots in major metropolitan areas like Ar Riyad, Makkah, 'Asir. Explore the number of locations by state.
Number of Locations
Ar Riyad1,912
Al Madinah669
Al Qassim623
Al Bahah467

Top Cities for Amusement & leisure in Saudi arabia

Saudi arabia's Amusement & leisure hotspots are concentrated in major cities like Riyadh, Jiddah, Al Taif. Discover the top locations where Amusement & leisure establishments thrive.
Number of Locations
Riyadh Ar Riyad 730
Jiddah Makkah 460
Al Taif Makkah 394
Abha 'Asir 347
Al Madinah Al Madinah 286
Al Ahsa Ash-Sharqīyah 277
Makkah Al Mukarramah Makkah 275
Buraidah Al Qassim 214
Hail Ḥaʼil 183
Maysan Makkah 181

Download a Sample Dataset for Amusement & leisure Locations in Saudi arabia.

Get a preview of Saudi Arabia's Amusement & Leisure dataset, including business status, ratings, traffic scores, and more.

Key Variables for Amusement & Leisure Dataset in Saudi Arabia

This dataset contains essential details about Amusement & Leisure locations, including business information, traffic insights, and contact details.
NameDescriptionData Type
namePrimary name of the locationObject
country_nameFull country nameObject
regionCurrent administrative regionObject
localityCurrent locality or cityObject
postcodePostal codeFloat
streetStreet addressObject
addressFull addressObject
phonePrimary contact numberObject
longitudeLongitude coordinateFloat
latitudeLatitude coordinateFloat
business_statusCurrent business status (e.g., Open, Closed)Object
category_mainPrimary business categoryObject
website_domainWebsite domain nameObject
time_spentSuggested duration of visitObject

Business Closure Insights for Amusement & Leisure in Saudi Arabia

This dataset tracks open, temporarily closed, and permanently closed dining locations across Saudi Arabia, helping businesses assess market stability.
State & Territory
Number of Closed Locations
Makkah312 (23.0%)
Ar Riyad292 (21.6%)
'Asir180 (13.3%)
Al Madinah111 (8.2%)
Al Bahah87 (6.4%)
Al Qassim82 (6.1%)
Ash-Sharqīyah75 (5.5%)
Jizan68 (5.0%)
Ḥaʼil48 (3.5%)
Tabuk39 (2.9%)

Traffic Insights for Amusement & Leisure Locations in Saudi Arabia

Understand which cities and locations attract the most visitors using traffic scores. This data helps businesses choose prime locations for expansion.
State & TerritoryTraffic Score
Ar Riyad32.9
Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah31.9
Al Madinah31.8
Al Qassim29.9

Customer Ratings for Amusement & Leisure Locations in Saudi Arabia

This dataset includes average customer ratings along with the number of ratings for each region, helping businesses identify top-rated places and customer preferences across different cities.
State & Territory Ratings Count
Average Ratings
Northern 1 4.6
Najran 69 4.5
Al Bahah 309 4.4
Jizan 379 4.4
Ḥaʼil 293 4.4
Al Qassim 473 4.4
'Asir 877 4.3
Ar Riyad 1573 4.3
Al Madinah 507 4.3
Al Jawf 95 4.3

Business Contact Information by States for Amusement & Leisure dataset in Saudi Arabia

Many locations provide direct contact details, including phone numbers and websites, making it easier for businesses to engage with partners and customers.
State & Territory Number of Locations with Websites
Number of Locations with Phone Numbers
Ar Riyad 149 (31.2%) 149 (31.2%)
Makkah 119 (24.9%) 119 (24.9%)
Ash-Sharqīyah 72 (15.1%) 72 (15.1%)
Al Madinah 43 (9.0%) 43 (9.0%)
Al Qassim 27 (5.6%) 27 (5.6%)
'Asir 24 (5.0%) 24 (5.0%)
Ḥaʼil 13 (2.7%) 13 (2.7%)
Jizan 9 (1.9%) 9 (1.9%)
Tabuk 9 (1.9%) 9 (1.9%)
Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah 6 (1.3%) 6 (1.3%)

Why Businesses Trust xMap's Amusement & Leisure Locations Dataset for Saudi Arabia?

Businesses rely on xMap's dataset because it provides:

  • Comprehensive Coverage – Over 9,389 verified Amusement & Leisure locations across Saudi Arabia.
  • Real-Time Insights – Updated business status, ratings, traffic scores, and consumer trends.
  • High Data Accuracy – Curated from reliable sources with precise geolocation details.
  • Business-Friendly Format – Easy-to-use data for market analysis, site selection, and competitor research.
  • Proven Value – Trusted by retailers, real estate developers, and urban planners for strategic decision-making.

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Site Selection & Market Expansion

Businesses can identify high-traffic locations to expand their operations in Saudi Arabia based on footfall trends and business status.

Competitive & Consumer Insights

Analyze top-rated establishments, brand distribution, and category trends to understand market dynamics and customer preferences.

Real Estate & Urban Planning

City planners and real estate developers can use traffic data and closure rates to assess demand and optimize zoning for commercial spaces.

Get Access to Saudi arabia's Amusement & leisure Data Today!

Enhance your business strategy, site selection, and market research with real-time insights on over 8,869+ Amusement & leisure locations across Saudi arabia. Download the dataset now and stay ahead of the competition!