Arts & Crafts Locations in United Arab Emirates

The UAE hosts 4,151 Arts & Crafts establishments across 7 regions and 103 districts, with Dubai leading at 2,195 locations (52.88%). Sector3 tops the list with 1,107 outlets, reflecting strong demand and a thriving creative industry in the country.

Aggregation Date :
February 21, 2025

How Many Arts & Craftss Are There in United Arab Emirates?

The category of Arts & Crafts holds a significant presence within the United Arab Emirates, encompassing a diverse array of regions. Presently, there are 4151 Arts & Crafts locations throughout the country, indicative of its broad reach and popularity. By examining the map illustrating its distribution, we gain insights into the regional spread and concentration of these creative outlets. This sector's vibrancy and ubiquity contribute to its notable impact on the cultural landscape of the region.


Number of Locations


Locations with Ratings


Locations with Phone Numbers


Locations with Websites


Closed Locations

Top 10 States With the Highest Number of Arts & crafts

The Arts & Crafts category is globally recognized and has a substantial presence in numerous cities. In the United Arab Emirates, Arts & Crafts have garnered significant popularity, boasting a total of 4151 locations. The following cities stand out for their high concentration of Arts & Crafts establishments, reflecting their importance within the industry.
State & Territory Number of Locations
Dubai2195 (52.9%)
AbuDhabi899 (21.7%)
Sharjah567 (13.7%)
Ajman213 (5.1%)
RasAl-Khaimah138 (3.3%)
Fujairah93 (2.2%)
Ummal-Qaywayn46 (1.1%)

Top 10 Cities With the Highest Number of Arts & crafts

The Arts & Crafts category is globally recognized and has a substantial presence in numerous cities. In the United Arab Emirates, Arts & Crafts have garnered significant popularity, boasting a total of 4151 locations. The following cities stand out for their high concentration of Arts & Crafts establishments, reflecting their importance within the industry.
City State & Territory Number of Stores

Download Arts & Crafts Outlets Points of Interest Data.

The Arts & Crafts category boasts a significant global presence, with a notable 4151 locations in the United Arab Emirates. The widespread distribution of Arts & Crafts outlets in the UAE invites exploration and analysis. By delving into the geographical spread and graphical representation of these locations, valuable insights can be gleaned. The concentration of Arts & Crafts establishments in certain key cities within the UAE underscores the economic vitality, population density, and industry demand prevalent in these urban centers. A detailed examination of the distribution patterns and graphical data pertaining to Arts & Crafts in the UAE offers a nuanced understanding of this thriving sector.

Key Variables for Arts & Crafts Points of Interest

The Arts & Crafts category in the United Arab Emirates is robust, boasting 4151 locations dispersed throughout the country. These establishments play a vital role in serving both businesses and consumers. By examining the map visualization depicting the distribution of these locations, one can glean valuable insights for market analysis and strategic decision-making. The concentration of Arts & Crafts locations in specific cities can be attributed to factors such as economic activity, population size, and industry demand.
NameDescriptionData Type
namePrimary name of the locationObject
name_secondAlternative or secondary nameObject
country_nameFull country nameObject
countryCountry codeObject
floor_noFloor number of the locationObject
phonePrimary contact numberObject
phone_localLocal format contact numberObject
streetStreet addressObject
localityCurrent locality or cityObject
regionCurrent administrative regionObject
postcodePostal codeFloat
plus_codeGoogle Plus Code for locationObject
addressFull addressObject
longitudeLongitude coordinateFloat
latitudeLatitude coordinateFloat
ratingAverage customer ratingFloat
rating_countTotal number of ratingsFloat
price_rangePrice range indicatorObject
business_statusCurrent business status (e.g., Open, Closed)Object
claimingIndicates if the business is claimed by the ownerObject
typesCategories or types assigned to the locationObject
category_mainRefined main categoryObject
categories_listList of associated categoriesObject
descriptionBrief description of the placeFloat
place_amenitiesList of amenities availableObject
spoken_languageLanguages spoken at the locationFloat
linkGoogle Maps or business linkObject
websiteOfficial website URLObject
website_domainWebsite domain nameObject
website_contactWebsite contact detailsObject
inside_placesPlaces inside this location (if applicable)Object
inside_places_categoriesCategories of places insideObject
inside_places_idsUnique IDs of places insideObject
open_hoursOpening hours informationObject
time_spentSuggested duration of visitObject
price_levelPrice level indicator (e.g., $, $$, $$$)Object
stopidPublic transit stop IDObject
menuLink to the menu (for food places)Object
find_tableTable reservation linkObject
place_orderOnline order linkFloat
tripTrip planning informationFloat
popular_times_dataData on peak hours and busy timesObject
describe_dataAdditional descriptive metadataObject
zoneGeographical zoneObject
zone_mainMain classification of the zoneObject
timeoffsetTime zone offsetFloat
similarplacesSimilar locations in the areaObject
similarplaces_categoryCategory of similar placesObject
similarplaces_idsUnique IDs of similar placesObject
similarplaces_allAll similar places combinedObject
bookingBooking link for reservationsObject
hotels_urlHotel booking URLFloat
hotel_starsHotel star ratingObject
hotel_priceEstimated hotel priceObject
check_inHotel check-in timeObject
check_outHotel check-out timeObject
id_oneInternal ID 1Object
id_twoInternal ID 2Object
id_threeInternal ID 3Object
google_review_linkGoogle reviews linkObject
day_timeLast updated day & timeObject
photo_linkURL to business photosObject
logoLogo image linkObject
link_idUnique location link IDObject
google_idGoogle Maps unique IDObject

Closure Rate for Arts & Crafts Locations

Understanding the closure trends of Arts & Crafts locations is essential for businesses aiming to analyze market dynamics. Arts & Crafts remains a key industry, with many locations experiencing shifts due to various economic and consumer behavior trends. Currently, 590 locations have been reported as permanently or temporarily closed in the top 10 regions. These insights offer valuable information for stakeholders looking to adapt to changing market conditions.
State & Territory
Number of Closed Locations
Dubai296 (50.2%)
AbuDhabi112 (19.0%)
Sharjah90 (15.3%)
Ajman44 (7.5%)
Fujairah21 (3.6%)
RasAl-Khaimah19 (3.2%)
Ummal-Qaywayn8 (1.4%)

What Arts & crafts Locations Are Busy in Top 10 States?

Understanding traffic patterns near arts & crafts locations is crucial for companies aiming to grasp consumer behavior trends. Arts & crafts is a favored option for individuals seeking dependable and convenient services, with 4151 establishments enriching the market scene in the United Arab Emirates. This substantial presence presents valuable opportunities for businesses to enhance their marketing strategies, elevate customer experiences, and base site selection decisions on data-driven insights.
State & Territory Percentage of being busy
Dubai 887 (53.7%)
AbuDhabi 389 (23.6%)
Sharjah 194 (11.8%)
Ajman 73 (4.4%)
RasAl-Khaimah 54 (3.3%)
Fujairah 36 (2.2%)
Ummal-Qaywayn 18 (1.1%)

Popular Day & Time Insights for Arts & Crafts Locations

Understanding consumer behavior trends requires a grasp of traffic patterns around Arts & Crafts locations. The Arts & Crafts sector continues to attract a significant following, offering valuable insights into consumer preferences based on peak days and hours of activity.
State & Territory Popular Day of Week Popular Time

Contact Information for Arts & Crafts Locations

Understanding the accessibility of Arts & Crafts venues is vital for businesses seeking to boost customer engagement. Arts & Crafts play a pivotal role in the market, supported by a widespread array of establishments offering essential services. Many of these locations prioritize customer accessibility through online platforms and direct contact options, enhancing the overall experience. Presently, all 1781 locations (100.1%) have an official website and contact number, reflecting a strong commitment to customer service. These findings provide valuable insights for businesses looking to refine their outreach and customer service approaches in this sector.
State & Territory Number of Locations with Websites
Number of Locations with Phone Numbers
Dubai 1081 (60.7%) 1081 (60.7%)
AbuDhabi 373 (20.9%) 373 (20.9%)
Sharjah 179 (10.1%) 179 (10.1%)
Ajman 55 (3.1%) 55 (3.1%)
RasAl-Khaimah 53 (3.0%) 53 (3.0%)
Fujairah 30 (1.7%) 30 (1.7%)
Ummal-Qaywayn 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%)

Ratings for Arts & Crafts Locations

Understanding customer satisfaction ratings for Arts & Crafts establishments is crucial for businesses looking to improve their services. Arts & Crafts remains a popular option among customers, with many locations receiving top ratings. Among the diverse states, certain regions consistently excel in service and quality, drawing in positive reviews. Here, we present an analysis of average ratings in the top 10 regions with the highest customer satisfaction scores. This breakdown provides valuable information for businesses striving to elevate their customer experience.
State & Territory Average Ratings
Dubai 4.5
RasAl-Khaimah 4.5
AbuDhabi 4.4
Ajman 4.4
Sharjah 4.4
Ummal-Qaywayn 4.4
Fujairah 4.3

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Market Analysis

Understanding the landscape of Arts & Crafts in the United Arab Emirates is essential for businesses. The region boasts 4151 arts & crafts establishments, shedding light on customer preferences and foot traffic patterns. This data enables businesses to discern trends, anticipate demand, and refine their market strategies effectively.

Site Selection

Selecting the optimal location is crucial for the success of a new arts & crafts business. In the United Arab Emirates, there are 4151 existing arts & crafts establishments. By analyzing consumer behavior, competitor proximity, and accessibility data, entrepreneurs can identify strategic locations for their new ventures. The high concentration of arts & crafts locations in the UAE is driven by factors such as economic activity, population density, and demand within the industry. This data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions when choosing where to establish their presence in the market.

Urban Planning

In the United Arab Emirates, data on arts & crafts plays a crucial role in assisting city planners and policymakers in evaluating commercial activity and infrastructure requirements. The region boasts 4151 arts & crafts establishments, which provide valuable insights for decision-making related to zoning, transportation planning, and fostering economic growth. This concentration of arts & crafts locations serves as a significant resource for urban developers, enabling them to make well-informed choices that contribute to the overall development of the cities.

Download Arts & crafts Point of Interest Data

Understanding consumer behavior trends near Arts & Crafts locations is crucial for companies aiming to stay competitive in the market. Arts & Crafts continues to attract a wide audience seeking convenient and fulfilling experiences. These observations underscore the enduring popularity and widespread appeal of Arts & Crafts, providing valuable information for businesses seeking strategic improvements.