Dining & Drinking Locations Across United Arab Emirates

With over 66,458+ Dining & Drinking locations across 10 regions and 189 districts in United Arab Emirates. The highest number of Dining & Drinking locations are in Dubai and Abu Dhabi with 27234 locations and 13154 locations, respectively. Find the best places for Dining & drinking with our updated database.

Aggregation Date :
March 19, 2025
Dr. M. Farid

How Many Dining & Drinking Establishments are in United Arab Emirates?

United Arab Emirates has 69,021 Dining & Drinking locations, with a strong presence across various regions. Our dataset provides insights into their business status, ratings, and traffic scores.


Number of Locations


Locations with Ratings


Locations with Phone Numbers


Locations with Websites


Closed Locations

Breakdown of Dining & Drinking Locations in United arab emirates

United arab emirates's Dining & Drinking scene includes various subcategories. Explore the most popular categories and find the best spots across the country.


Number of Locations

Restaurants & Eateries


Coffee & Tea Shops


Food & Beverage Services


Bakeries & Desserts


Specialty Foods


Markets & Courts


Food Stands & Trucks


Vineyards & Wineries


Bagels & Sandwiches


Dining & drinking Locations by State in United Arab Emirates

United arab emirates's Dining & drinking scene varies across states, with hotspots in major metropolitan areas like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah. Explore the number of locations by state.
Number of Locations
Abu Dhabi18,565
Ras Al-Khaimah3,310
Umm al-Qaywayn1,015
Al Buraymi1

Top Cities for Dining & drinking in United arab emirates

United arab emirates's Dining & drinking hotspots are concentrated in major cities like Abu Dhabi, Sector 3, Al Ain. Discover the top locations where Dining & drinking establishments thrive.
Number of Locations
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 13,154
Sector 3 Dubai 12,907
Al Ain Abu Dhabi 4,463
Sector 1 Dubai 4,280
Sector 6 Dubai 3,964
Sector 2 Dubai 3,083
Sector 5 Dubai 1,668
Central Fujairah 1,380
Umm al-Qaywayn Umm al-Qaywayn 1,015
Industrial Area Sharjah 997

Download a Sample Dataset for Dining & drinking Locations in United arab emirates.

Get a preview of United Arab Emirates's Dining & Drinking dataset, including business status, ratings, traffic scores, and more.

Key Variables for Dining & Drinking Dataset in United Arab Emirates

This dataset contains essential details about Dining & Drinking locations, including business information, traffic insights, and contact details.
NameDescriptionData Type
namePrimary name of the locationObject
country_nameFull country nameObject
regionCurrent administrative regionObject
localityCurrent locality or cityObject
postcodePostal codeFloat
streetStreet addressObject
addressFull addressObject
phonePrimary contact numberObject
longitudeLongitude coordinateFloat
latitudeLatitude coordinateFloat
business_statusCurrent business status (e.g., Open, Closed)Object
category_mainPrimary business categoryObject
website_domainWebsite domain nameObject
time_spentSuggested duration of visitObject

Business Closure Insights for Dining & Drinking in United Arab Emirates

This dataset tracks open, temporarily closed, and permanently closed dining locations across United Arab Emirates, helping businesses assess market stability.
State & Territory
Number of Closed Locations
Dubai5335 (39.1%)
Abu Dhabi4047 (29.7%)
Sharjah1731 (12.7%)
Ajman1077 (7.9%)
Ras Al-Khaimah731 (5.4%)
Fujairah489 (3.6%)
Umm al-Qaywayn223 (1.6%)
Ash-Sharqīyah1 (0.0%)
Musandam1 (0.0%)

Traffic Insights for Dining & Drinking Locations in United Arab Emirates

Understand which cities and locations attract the most visitors using traffic scores. This data helps businesses choose prime locations for expansion.
State & TerritoryTraffic Score
Abu Dhabi37.4
Umm al-Qaywayn37.3
Ras Al-Khaimah36.6

Customer Ratings for Dining & Drinking Locations in United Arab Emirates

This dataset includes average customer ratings along with the number of ratings for each region, helping businesses identify top-rated places and customer preferences across different cities.
State & Territory Ratings Count
Average Ratings
Musandam 4 4.3
Abu Dhabi 16838 4.2
Ajman 4682 4.2
Dubai 24502 4.2
Ash-Sharqīyah 1 4.2
Fujairah 2006 4.2
Ras Al-Khaimah 2921 4.2
Sharjah 7923 4.2
Umm al-Qaywayn 895 4.1

Business Contact Information by States for Dining & Drinking dataset in United Arab Emirates

Many locations provide direct contact details, including phone numbers and websites, making it easier for businesses to engage with partners and customers.
State & Territory Number of Locations with Websites
Number of Locations with Phone Numbers
Dubai 9519 (53.5%) 9519 (53.5%)
Abu Dhabi 4795 (27.0%) 4795 (27.0%)
Sharjah 1645 (9.3%) 1645 (9.3%)
Ajman 788 (4.4%) 788 (4.4%)
Ras Al-Khaimah 530 (3.0%) 530 (3.0%)
Fujairah 349 (2.0%) 349 (2.0%)
Umm al-Qaywayn 154 (0.9%) 154 (0.9%)

Why Businesses Trust xMap's Dining & Drinking Locations Dataset for United Arab Emirates?

Businesses rely on xMap's dataset because it provides:

  • Comprehensive Coverage – Over 69,021 verified Dining & Drinking locations across United Arab Emirates.
  • Real-Time Insights – Updated business status, ratings, traffic scores, and consumer trends.
  • High Data Accuracy – Curated from reliable sources with precise geolocation details.
  • Business-Friendly Format – Easy-to-use data for market analysis, site selection, and competitor research.
  • Proven Value – Trusted by retailers, real estate developers, and urban planners for strategic decision-making.

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Site Selection & Market Expansion

Businesses can identify high-traffic locations to expand their operations in United Arab Emirates based on footfall trends and business status.

Competitive & Consumer Insights

Analyze top-rated establishments, brand distribution, and category trends to understand market dynamics and customer preferences.

Real Estate & Urban Planning

City planners and real estate developers can use traffic data and closure rates to assess demand and optimize zoning for commercial spaces.

Get Access to United arab emirates's Dining & drinking Data Today!

Enhance your business strategy, site selection, and market research with real-time insights on over 66,458+ Dining & drinking locations across United arab emirates. Download the dataset now and stay ahead of the competition!