Home & Furniture Locations in Czechia

Based on the available data, there are 15869 home & furniture locations spread across 14 regions and 98 districts in Czechia. The largest concentration of home & furniture locations is found in Prague, which has 2402 locations, and in Brno, which has 897 locations. Prague accounts for approximately 15.14% of all home & furniture locations in Czechia.

Aggregation Date :
February 13, 2025
Abdullah Rafaqat

How Many Home & Furnitures Are There in Czechia?

Home & Furniture is one of the most widely recognized and established categories in Czechia, with a strong presence across various regions. Currently, there are 15869 Home & Furniture locations operating across the country. This extensive network highlights its importance and widespread appeal. The graphical representation of its distribution can be seen on the map.


Number of Locations


Locations with Ratings


Locations with Phone Numbers


Locations with Websites


Closed Locations

Top 10 States With the Highest Number of Home & furniture

Home & furniture is a well-recognized category worldwide with an extensive presence in various cities. In Czechia, home & furniture has gained immense popularity with a total of 15869 locations. The top cities with the highest number of home & furniture are listed below, showcasing their significance.
State & Territory Number of Locations
Prague2402 (15.1%)
Jihomoravský2156 (13.6%)
Středočeský1792 (11.3%)
Moravskoslezský1609 (10.1%)
Zlínský1006 (6.3%)
Jihočeský998 (6.3%)
Olomoucký910 (5.7%)
Královéhradecký881 (5.6%)
Ústecký855 (5.4%)
KrajVysočina768 (4.8%)

Top 10 Cities With the Highest Number of Home & furniture

Home & furniture is a well-recognized category worldwide with an extensive presence in various cities. In Czechia, home & furniture has gained immense popularity with a total of 15869 locations. The top cities with the highest number of home & furniture are listed below, showcasing their significance.
City State & Territory Number of Stores

Download Home & Furniture Outlets Points of Interest Data.

Home & Furniture is a prominent category with several locations worldwide. Currently, there are 15869 locations of Home & Furniture in Czechia. Explore its detailed distribution and graphical representation for deeper insights.

Key Variables for Home & Furniture Points of Interest

Home & Furniture is a well-established category with numerous locations spread across Czechia. Currently, there are 15869 Home & Furniture locations operating in different regions of Czechia, providing essential services to businesses and consumers alike. The map visualization highlights the geographic distribution of these locations, offering valuable insights for market analysis and strategic decision-making.
Name Description Data Type
namePrimary name of the locationString
country_nameFull country nameString
original_categoryOriginal category before refinementString
old_localityPrevious locality nameString
old_regionPrevious region nameString
longitudeLongitude coordinateFloat
latitudeLatitude coordinateFloat
ratingAverage customer ratingFloat
rating_countTotal number of ratingsInteger
business_statusCurrent business status (e.g., Open, Closed)String
phonePrimary contact numberString
websiteOfficial website URLString (URL)
popular_times_dataData on peak hours and busy timesString (JSON format)
regionCurrent administrative regionString
localityCurrent locality or cityString
category_mainRefined main categoryString
big_categoryBroad classification of the categoryString

Closure Rate for Home & Furniture Locations

Understanding the closure trends of Home & Furniture locations is essential for businesses aiming to analyze market dynamics. Home & Furniture remains a key industry, with many locations experiencing shifts due to various economic and consumer behavior trends. Currently, 1663 locations have been reported as permanently or temporarily closed in the top 10 regions. These insights offer valuable information for stakeholders looking to adapt to changing market conditions.
State & Territory
Number of Closed Locations
Prague318 (19.1%)
Jihomoravský200 (12.0%)
Středočeský175 (10.5%)
Moravskoslezský142 (8.5%)
Ústecký117 (7.0%)
Jihočeský110 (6.6%)
Olomoucký103 (6.2%)
Zlínský86 (5.2%)
Plzeňský85 (5.1%)
Královéhradecký83 (5.0%)

What Home & furniture Locations Are Busy in Top 10 States?

Comprehending the traffic patterns near home & furniture locations is essential for companies looking to understand consumer behavior trends. Home & furniture remains a popular choice for many people seeking reliable and accessible services, with 15869 locations contributing to the vibrant market landscape in Czechia. Businesses can leverage this data to optimize marketing strategies, improve customer experiences, and make data-driven site selection decisions.
State & Territory Percentage of being busy
Prague 2,402 (15.1%)
Jihomoravský 2,156 (13.6%)
Středočeský 1,792 (11.3%)
Moravskoslezský 1,609 (10.1%)
Zlínský 1,006 (6.3%)
Jihočeský 998 (6.3%)
Olomoucký 910 (5.7%)
Královéhradecký 881 (5.6%)
Ústecký 855 (5.4%)
KrajVysočina 768 (4.8%)

Popular Day & Time Insights for Home & Furniture Locations

Comprehending the traffic patterns near Home & Furniture locations is essential for understanding consumer behavior trends. Home & Furniture remains a popular choice for many, with the following insights for the most popular days and times.
State & Territory Popular Day of Week Popular Time

Contact Information for Home & Furniture Locations

Comprehending the accessibility of Home & Furniture locations is essential for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement. Home & Furniture remains a crucial part of the market, with an extensive network of establishments providing essential services. Among these, a significant number offer website access and direct phone contacts, improving customer experience and accessibility. Currently, 13377 locations (84.2%) have an official website, while 13377 locations (84.2%) provide a contact number. These insights offer valuable information for businesses aiming to optimize their reach and customer service strategies.
State & Territory Number of Locations with Websites
Number of Locations with Phone Numbers
Prague 2402 (15.1%) 2402 (15.1%)
Jihomoravský 2156 (13.6%) 2156 (13.6%)
Středočeský 1792 (11.3%) 1792 (11.3%)
Moravskoslezský 1609 (10.1%) 1609 (10.1%)
Zlínský 1006 (6.3%) 1006 (6.3%)
Jihočeský 998 (6.3%) 998 (6.3%)
Olomoucký 910 (5.7%) 910 (5.7%)
Královéhradecký 881 (5.6%) 881 (5.6%)
Ústecký 855 (5.4%) 855 (5.4%)
KrajVysočina 768 (4.8%) 768 (4.8%)

Ratings for Home & Furniture Locations

Comprehending customer satisfaction ratings for Home & Furniture locations is essential for businesses seeking to optimize their services. Home & Furniture continues to be a preferred choice for customers, with a significant number of locations receiving high ratings. With thousands of reviews across different states, Home & Furniture locations in certain regions consistently stand out due to their superior service and quality. Below is an overview of the average ratings across the top 10 highest-rated regions, offering valuable insights for businesses aiming to enhance customer experience.
State & Territory Average Ratings
Karlovarský 4.5
Jihomoravský 4.4
Jihočeský 4.4
KrajVysočina 4.4
Královéhradecký 4.4
Liberecký 4.4
Moravskoslezský 4.4
Olomoucký 4.4
Pardubický 4.4
Plzeňský 4.4

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Market Analysis

Analyzing the popularity and customer preferences for home & furniture locations in Czechia is crucial for businesses. With 15869 home & furniture establishments, understanding foot traffic and customer engagement helps businesses identify key trends, predict demand, and optimize their market strategies.

Site Selection

Choosing the right location for a new home & furniture is vital for success. With 15869 home & furniture locations in Czechia, businesses can leverage data on consumer activity, proximity to competitors, and accessibility to select prime spots for new openings.

Urban Planning

City planners and policymakers can use home & furniture data in Czechia to assess commercial activity and infrastructure needs. The presence of 15869 home & furniture locations helps urban developers make informed decisions about zoning, transportation planning, and economic development.

Download Home & furniture Point of Interest Data

Comprehending the traffic patterns near Home & furniture locations is essential for companies looking to understand consumer behavior trends. Home & furniture remains a popular choice for many people looking for convenient and satisfying experiences. These insights highlight the lasting popularity and broad appeal of Home & furniture, offering valuable knowledge for businesses seeking to enhance their strategies.