Travel & Lodging Locations Across Japan

With over 129,274+ Travel & Lodging locations across 47 regions and 1667 districts in Japan. The highest number of Travel & Lodging locations are in Tokyo and Kyoto with 11063 locations and 4800 locations, respectively. Find the best places for Travel & lodging with our updated database.

Aggregation Date :
March 20, 2025
Mo Batran

How Many Travel & Lodging Establishments are in Japan?

Japan has 135,019 Travel & Lodging locations, with a strong presence across various regions. Our dataset provides insights into their business status, ratings, and traffic scores.


Number of Locations


Locations with Ratings


Locations with Phone Numbers


Locations with Websites


Closed Locations

Breakdown of Travel & Lodging Locations in Japan

Japan's Travel & Lodging scene includes various subcategories. Explore the most popular categories and find the best spots across the country.


Number of Locations

Hotels & Accommodation


Travel Agencies


Vacation Rentals & RV


Cruises & Ferries


Tourist Information


Checking & Baggage


Travel & lodging Locations by State in Japan

Japan's Travel & lodging scene varies across states, with hotspots in major metropolitan areas like Tokyo, Hokkaido, Nagano. Explore the number of locations by state.
Number of Locations

Top Cities for Travel & lodging in Japan

Japan's Travel & lodging hotspots are concentrated in major cities like Kyoto, Osaka, Fukuoka. Discover the top locations where Travel & lodging establishments thrive.
Number of Locations
Kyoto Kyoto 4,800
Osaka Osaka 4,625
Fukuoka Fukuoka 1,648
Sapporo Hokkaido 1,413
Nagoya Aichi 1,297
Hakuba Nagano 1,168
Yokohama Kanagawa 1,065
Naha Okinawa 925
Itō Shizuoka 879
Taitō Tokyo 805

Download a Sample Dataset for Travel & lodging Locations in Japan.

Get a preview of Japan's Travel & Lodging dataset, including business status, ratings, traffic scores, and more.

Key Variables for Travel & Lodging Dataset in Japan

This dataset contains essential details about Travel & Lodging locations, including business information, traffic insights, and contact details.
NameDescriptionData Type
namePrimary name of the locationObject
country_nameFull country nameObject
regionCurrent administrative regionObject
localityCurrent locality or cityObject
postcodePostal codeFloat
streetStreet addressObject
addressFull addressObject
phonePrimary contact numberObject
longitudeLongitude coordinateFloat
latitudeLatitude coordinateFloat
business_statusCurrent business status (e.g., Open, Closed)Object
category_mainPrimary business categoryObject
website_domainWebsite domain nameObject
time_spentSuggested duration of visitObject

Business Closure Insights for Travel & Lodging in Japan

This dataset tracks open, temporarily closed, and permanently closed dining locations across Japan, helping businesses assess market stability.
State & Territory
Number of Closed Locations
Tokyo1039 (6.5%)
Hokkaido959 (6.0%)
Kyoto839 (5.2%)
Nagano799 (5.0%)
Okinawa692 (4.3%)
Shizuoka689 (4.3%)
Osaka624 (3.9%)
Kanagawa486 (3.0%)
Niigata480 (3.0%)
Fukuoka471 (2.9%)

Traffic Insights for Travel & Lodging Locations in Japan

Understand which cities and locations attract the most visitors using traffic scores. This data helps businesses choose prime locations for expansion.
State & TerritoryTraffic Score

Customer Ratings for Travel & Lodging Locations in Japan

This dataset includes average customer ratings along with the number of ratings for each region, helping businesses identify top-rated places and customer preferences across different cities.
State & Territory Ratings Count
Average Ratings
Kyoto 4681 4.3
Okinawa 4656 4.3
Nara 983 4.2
Nagano 5998 4.2
Yamanashi 2637 4.2
Wakayama 1270 4.1
Gifu 2035 4.1
Kagoshima 2134 4.1
Oita 1753 4.1
Shizuoka 4276 4.1

Business Contact Information by States for Travel & Lodging dataset in Japan

Many locations provide direct contact details, including phone numbers and websites, making it easier for businesses to engage with partners and customers.
State & Territory Number of Locations with Websites
Number of Locations with Phone Numbers
Tokyo 5580 (8.3%) 5580 (8.3%)
Hokkaido 4288 (6.4%) 4288 (6.4%)
Nagano 4124 (6.1%) 4124 (6.1%)
Kyoto 2909 (4.3%) 2909 (4.3%)
Shizuoka 2847 (4.2%) 2847 (4.2%)
Osaka 2814 (4.2%) 2814 (4.2%)
Okinawa 2725 (4.1%) 2725 (4.1%)
Kanagawa 2131 (3.2%) 2131 (3.2%)
Hyōgo 2078 (3.1%) 2078 (3.1%)
Chiba 2035 (3.0%) 2035 (3.0%)

Why Businesses Trust xMap's Travel & Lodging Locations Dataset for Japan?

Businesses rely on xMap's dataset because it provides:

  • Comprehensive Coverage – Over 135,019 verified Travel & Lodging locations across Japan.
  • Real-Time Insights – Updated business status, ratings, traffic scores, and consumer trends.
  • High Data Accuracy – Curated from reliable sources with precise geolocation details.
  • Business-Friendly Format – Easy-to-use data for market analysis, site selection, and competitor research.
  • Proven Value – Trusted by retailers, real estate developers, and urban planners for strategic decision-making.

Use Cases

How can this dataset benefit you?

Site Selection & Market Expansion

Businesses can identify high-traffic locations to expand their operations in Japan based on footfall trends and business status.

Competitive & Consumer Insights

Analyze top-rated establishments, brand distribution, and category trends to understand market dynamics and customer preferences.

Real Estate & Urban Planning

City planners and real estate developers can use traffic data and closure rates to assess demand and optimize zoning for commercial spaces.

Get Access to Japan's Travel & lodging Data Today!

Enhance your business strategy, site selection, and market research with real-time insights on over 129,274+ Travel & lodging locations across Japan. Download the dataset now and stay ahead of the competition!